Ground Penetrating Radar
GRORADAR™ by Gary R. Olhoeft, PhD
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Introduction and History        Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Velocity   Wavelength    Attenuation   Dispersion

Rocks, Soils and Fluids:  Electrical Properties    Magnetic Properties

Environmental Influences        Heterogeneity, Anisotropy and Scale       Radar Equation

Scattering     Polarization     Fresnel Reflection     Snell Angle       Stokes-Mueller Matrices      Poincare Sphere

Antennas     Coupling     Near / Far Fields     Waveguides   Multipathing     Resonance

Survey Design Considerations

[Under Construction]



Contrast     Geometry     Resolution      Depth of  Investigation      Orientation  

Noise     Interference     Logistics

Data Acquisition   Data Processing   Modeling   Interpretation   Uncertainty

Applications:     Noninvasive Surface     Borehole      Airborne     Satellite and Space  

GPR Bibliography

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GRORADAR™ data acquisition, processing, modeling and display software.
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