Introduction and History
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Velocity Wavelength
Attenuation Dispersion
Rocks, Soils and Fluids: Electrical
Properties Magnetic Properties
Environmental Influences
Heterogeneity, Anisotropy and
Scale Radar Equation
Scattering Polarization Fresnel
Reflection Snell Angle
Stokes and Mueller Scattering Matrices
![[Under Construction]](images/undercon.gif)
The Stokes vector (or modified Stokes vector)
describes the polarization of a plane wave, and the Mueller matrix (or modified Mueller
matrix) describes how the polarization changes upon scattering at a change in electrical
or magnetic properties. The Mueller matrix is sometimes called the Stokes matrix or
the phase matrix.
Poincare Sphere Antennas Coupling
Near / Far Fields
Waveguides Multipathing Resonance
Survey Design Contrast Geometry
Resolution Depth of Investigation Orientation
Noise Interference Logistics
Data Acquisition Data Processing Modeling
Interpretation Uncertainty
Applications: Noninvasive Surface Borehole
Airborne Satellite and Space
GPR Bibliography