Ground Penetrating Radar
GRORADAR™ by Gary R. Olhoeft, PhD
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Introduction and History

    RADAR is an acronym coined in the 1934 for RAdio Detection And Ranging (Buderi, 1996; Centre for the History of Defence Electronics).  The first ground penetrating radar survey was performed in Austria in 1929 to sound the depth of a glacier (Stern, 1929, 1930).  The technology was largely forgotten (despite more than 36 patents filed between 1936 and 1971 that might loosely be called subsurface radar) until the late 1950's when U.S. Air Force radars were seeing through ice as planes tried to land in Greenland, but misread  the altitude and crashed into the ice.  This started investigations into the ability of radar to see into the subsurface not only for ice sounding but also mapping subsoil properties and the water table (Cook, 1964; Barringer, 1965; Lundien, 1966).  In 1967, a system much like Stern's original glacier sounder was proposed, and eventually built and flown as the Surface Electrical Properties Experiment on Apollo 17 to the moon  (Simmons et al., 1972, see also the Apollo 17 Lunar Sounder Experiment).   Before the early 1970's, if you wanted to do GPR, you had to build your own (Ohio State University Electroscience Laboratory).  But in 1972, Rex Morey and Art Drake began Geophysical Survey Systems Inc.  to sell commercial ground penetrating radar systems (Morey, 1974).  Thus began an explosion of applications, publications, and research, fostered in great part by research contracts from the Geological Survey of Canada,  the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), and others.  There are now over 300 patents that might loosely be related to ground penetrating radar around the world (Patent Office), several companies making commercial equipment, many companies offering it as a service, and many institutions performing research (GPR Links).  Ground penetrating radar is sometimes called georadar, ground probing radar, or subsurface radar.
    Ground penetrating radar uses electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering to image, locate and quantitatively identify changes in electrical and magnetic properties in the ground.  It may be performed from the surface of the earth, in a borehole or between boreholes, from aircraft or satellites.   It has the highest resolution in subsurface imaging of any geophysical method, approaching centimeters under the right conditions.  Depth of  Investigation varies from less than a meter to over 5,400 meters, depending upon material properties.   Detectability of a subsurface feature depends upon contrast in electrical and magnetic properties, and the geometric relationship with the antenna. Quantitative interpretation through modeling can derive from ground penetrating radar data such information as depth, orientation, size and shape of buried objects, density and water content of soils, and much more (Olhoeft, 2000).

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Velocity   Wavelength    Attenuation   Dispersion

Rocks, Soils and Fluids:  Electrical Properties    Magnetic Properties

Environmental Influences        Heterogeneity, Anisotropy and Scale       Radar Equation

Scattering     Polarization     Fresnel Reflection     Snell Angle       Stokes Matrix      Poincare Sphere

Antennas     Coupling     Near / Far Fields     Waveguides   Multipathing     Resonance

Survey Design     Contrast     Geometry      Resolution     Depth of  Investigation     Orientation  

Noise     Interference     Logistics

Data Acquisition   Data Processing   Modeling   Interpretation   Uncertainty

Applications:     Noninvasive Surface     Borehole      Airborne     Satellite and Space  

GPR Bibliography

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