Assembly Instructions for the


VLF-2 Natural Radio Receiver


The VLF-2 natural radio receiver kit is a tool that is utilized to listen to natural radio emissions and the phenomena that surround it. These sounds of the Earth's natural radio are created in many ways. But this part of our web site is designed as a set of instructions to help you learn how to assemble an VLF-2 radio receiver.

The following assembly instructions should be followed carefully. The INSPIRE VLF-2 Receiver Kit is not a simple electronic assembly. If you follow these instructions carefully, you should be successful in building a receiver that works. If you are not careful, you run the risk of having a problem that is difficult to locate and fix. Be careful, take your time, and you will succeed.

The following assembly instructions should be followed carefully. The INSPIRE VLF-2 receiver kit is NOT a simple electronic assembly. If you follow the instructions carefully you should be successful in building a receiver that works. If you are not careful, you run the risk of having a problem that is very difficult to locate and fix. Be careful, take your time, and GOOD LUCK!

The following links describe the assembly sequence.

Author and Curator
Peter Wiest (