Bag 3 Contents / Transformer Installation

 ON/OFF switches

TP1, TP2 (already installed)

 Phone jacks:

J1 Three conductor, 3.5 mm (Black)
  J2, J3 Two conductor, 3.5 mm(White)


S1 Single pole, double throw, slide

Antenna terminal



(installed later)


Only one half of the primary coil in the transformer is used in the circuit. The other leads are soldered to help hold the transformer in place. The six leads should be spread apart so that they align with the holes provided in the PCB. The primary side of the transformer (marked "P") should be placed on the side marked "P" on the PCB. To the right is the transformer section of the PCB showing the "P" location. With the leads carefully aligned, work the transformer down until the tabs extend through the holes provided. Bend the tabs out to hold the transformer in place, turn over the PCB and solder all six leads and the two tabs.