Kit Contents:


Shown above are both an assembled RS-4 kit and the contents of an unassembled RS-4 kit. The INSPIRE VLF-2 Receiver Kit contains the following parts.

1. Black plastic box
2. Control Panel
3. Printed circuit board (PCB)
4. Electrical Schematic
5. Four bags containing the following components:

6. Battery Holder

Note the following items of importance on the component side of the Printed circuit board:

Capacitors C13, C14, and C15 must be placed in the circuit with the proper polarity. A plus sign (+) indicates the location of the positive end of the capacitor. Proper identification of the polarity of the capacitors is described in the capacitor soldering instructions.

Of the five holes provided for the transformer (L1), only the holes labeled P1 and CT have connections to the circuit. It is not necessary to make any connections to the other holes.