Technical BriefsIMAGING RADAR POLARIMETRYMichael CollinsDepartment of Geomatics Engineering University of Calgary SPACEBORNE WIND SCATTEROMETRYDavid G. LongDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering Brigham Young University SAR INTERFEROMETERYJoao MoreiraInstitute of Radio Frequency Technology Germany MILLIMETER-WAVE RADARSAndrew PazmanyDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Massachusetts - Amherst MOTION SENSING SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADARRon SaperVantage Point International Inc. Ontario, Canada GROUND PENETRATING RADARUmberto SpagnoliniDip. Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano BEYOND NEXRADDusan ZrnicNational Severe Storms Laboratory Norman, Oklahoma TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS FOR POLARIMETRIC MICROWAVE RADIOMETRYAlbin J. GasiewskiSchool of Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology SUBMILLIMETER / FAR INFRARED SPACEBORNE RADIOMETERS / SPECTROMETERSChung-Chi LinEuropean Space Agency - Earth Observation Group Noordwijk, Netherlands AIRCRAFT BASED SUB-MM RADIOMETRYReto PeterInstitute of Applied Physics University of Bern, Switzerland SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADIOMETRY:
P. Racette and D.M. Le Vine |