Ground Penetrating Radar
GRORADAR™ by Gary R. Olhoeft, PhD
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Software for acquisition, processing, modeling and display of ground penetrating radar data.

Order Form     Specifications      Manual      History    Troubleshooting    Demonstration/Upgrades

manual1.jpg (99120 bytes)

   Raw Data                                             After Processing     

Description and Price Price
GRORADAR™ full version on CD-ROM $1000
GRORADAR™ demo version on CD-ROM (limited to 4 MB RAM    
and cannot print hardcopy nor store results)

(Prices include Priority Mail postal delivery; FedEx delivery available for $20.00 more)
(sales taxes will be added for delivery in Colorado)

This web site is supported by sales of
GRORADAR™ data acquisition, processing, modeling and display software.
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Copyright © 1998-2001 Gary R. Olhoeft. All rights reserved.  Last modified: May 06, 2001.
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