Ground Penetrating Radar
GRORADAR™ by Gary R. Olhoeft, PhD
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is a 32-bit protected mode software package to process, display and model ground penetrating radar data. It is optimized for speed in both computation and graphics, so it can be easily used and played like a video game. This allows rapid processing and interpretation of data in the field and the generation of "what if?" scenarios for education, illustration, and forecasting of radar performance. GRORADARÔ can acquire ground penetrating radar data from digital sources in the Geophysical Survey System Inc. DZT, Sensors & Software Inc. DT1, and Mala RAMAC RD3 data formats, or read arbitrary digital data with user described formatting. It will also digitize (with an optional PCMCIA digitizer card) and process older analog data with separate range gain and time calibration files (as from GSSI SIR-3, SIR-7, or SIR-8 systems). It will read the data into computer memory (or a user selected part of the data up to available RAM), display the data using several color or grayscale palettes, and allow the user to quickly and smoothly scroll and manipulate the data. Processing or manipulation of the image data includes ringing and background removal, noise filters (including removal of cellular phone transmissions), edge enhancement, horizontal rubber sheeting to known marker locations (including marker location editing), topographic correction to EDM (electronic laser distance measuring) surveying data, complex parabola fitting (for object size, object depth and intervening material velocity estimation), 2D velocity migration, and more. Single wavelet scans may be extracted, and then full-waveform, far-field modeled in one dimension, including fully dispersive, frequency dependent electrical and magnetic properties. From the dispersive model material property results, sand-clay-water-air-iron mixture concentrations may be estimated. After calibration with a metal plate, automatic modeling is possible for asphalt or concrete pavement thickness, including a statistical estimate of uncertainty (density and water content are coming).  The modeling portions may be used without data to forecast how well ground penetrating radar may work at a site. Publication quality hardcopy output may be obtained at any point in the processing or modeling, with full user control of printing parameters such as paper/page size, margins, and orientation.  (HP-GL and PostScript compatible printers required; GhostScript GSview recommended for non-PostScript printers such as the Epson Stylus Color 1520 tabloid printer).

GRORADARÔ will undergo continuous development of new features and enhancements in the future, possibly including (but not limited to) a choice of several migration algorithms, more image processing enhancement and filtering, model inversion, 2D and 3D modeling, 3D display, near-field modeling, and more. Registered licensees  will receive free upgrades for one year.  GRORADAR™ comes on CD-ROM with several hundred megabytes of data, software to manipulate and view the data, along with guided tutorials to process, model and display the examples in 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D (as appropriate). Supporting laboratory sample measurements, modeling, surveying, maps and other data are included as necessary and available. Examples currently available include: archaeology, environmental contamination, metal and plastic landmines (UXO and demining), metal and plastic utility pipe location, pavement thickness measurement, and more.

GRORADARÔ runs on 80486/Pentium/Pentium II/III class machines (including most laptops) under MS-DOS with VESA compatible graphics.  It requires a minimum of 16 Megabytes of memory (the demo requires 4 MB), and it can use all available menory in the machine (up to 4 GB).  It will run in a DOS box under Windows 95, but cannot access all available memory and runs slower.
It will NOT run under Windows-NT, Windows-2000 nor Windows-XP.  A Windows-95/98 version is under development, but currently runs too slow.

The demo version is fully functional except it cannot store results to hard disk nor create hardcopy, and it is limited to 4 MB memory.

This web site is supported by sales of
GRORADAR™ data processing, modeling and display software.
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Copyright © 1998-2001 Gary R. Olhoeft. All rights reserved.  Last modified: July 19, 2001.
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