ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT CAMOUFLAGE NET SYSTEM (ULCANS) - A camouflage screening system intended to provide highly mobile and semi-mobile assets with protection against multispectral threat sensors. It possesses cloaking capabilities in the visual, radar, and very-near infrared (IR) spectra, including NEAR-INFRARED BACKGROUND MATCHING and enhanced concealment against thermal sensors. [10:2670]
ULTRA-LOW SIDE LOBES - SIDE LOBE emissions which, because of antenna design, are more than 50% below typical values. [10:2522]
ULTRASENSITIVE FLOW CYTOMETER - A device which employs LASERS to characterize and sort biological cells to identify the DNA fingerprints of bacteria, including biological threat agents. [10:2809]
ULTRAVIOLET - The portion of the ELECTRO-OPTIC spectrum band between 0.01 and 0.4 microns. [10:27] See also INFRARED, VISIBLE LIGHT.
ULTRAVIOLET COMMUNICATIONS - Communications using ultraviolet lamps for transmission and ultraviolet detectors for receivers. [] NOTE: Because ultraviolet light scatters well in the atmosphere, communications using ultraviolet light is virtually immune to electronic jamming and is extremely difficult to detect beyond 2 kilometers of the source. [10:81]
UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE - A broad spectrum of military and paramilitary operations conduct in enemy-held, enemy-controlled or politically sensitive territory. Unconventional warfare includes, but is not limited to, the interrelated fields of guerrilla warfare, evasion and escape, subversion, sabotage, and other operations of a low visibility, covert or clandestine nature. These interrelated aspects of unconventional warfare may be prosecuted singly or collectively by predominantly indigenous personnel, usually supported and directed in varying degrees by (an) external source(s) during all conditions of war or peace. [1] See also LOW INTENSITY CONFLICT (LIC), CONTINGENCY AND LIMITED OBJECTIVE OPERATIONS (CALOW or CALO).
UNCOOLED THERMAL IMAGERY - Thermal imagery which uses uncooled transducers and produce thermal images without scanning. [10:125] See also THERMAL IMAGING.
UNDERWATER VIEWING MODULE (UVM) - An underwater visual-imaging system mounted on the sail of a submarine. Applications include underwater reconnaissance, inspection and monitoring own ship conditions and launches, and visual navigation under ice. [10:106] See also UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE (UUV).
UNIFIED COMMAND SUITE (UCS) - A fly-away truck-portable superhigh frequency (SHF) multiband satellite communications system designed for use by weapons-of-mass-destruction civil support teams. [10:2838]
UNINTENTIONAL FREQUENCY MODULATION ON PULSE (UFMOP) - Unintentional frequency variations of a transmitter caused by non-linearities, non-ideal transmitter tubes, modulators, high voltage components, etc. UFMOP may also be due to production variations, aging, poor maintenance, and temperature. [10:59*] NOTE: UFMOP is an inherent characteristic of high-powered transmitters, and is exploited by ESM for emitter identification. These modulation are due to pushing (frequency, phase or amplitude due to modulation variations in the modulator or power supply), pulling (caused by variations in the load impedance seen by the output tube, such as from a poor rotary waveguide joint), and other effects (shaping of intrapulse characteristics produced by tube warm-up drift, temperature drift and unadjusted high-voltage power supply variations.) [10:2584]
UNINTENTIONAL NOISE EMISSION - In underwater acoustics, noise generated by a source (e.g., a target) which can be classified as self-noise (i.e., noise associated with the electronic circuitry of a sonar and the mechanical operation of a ship) and ambient noise (i.e., all of the noises in the sea). Self-noise is produced by noisy tubes and components in the sonar circuitry, water turbulence around the housing of the TRANSDUCER, loose structural parts of the hull, machinery (i.e., power plant and the power distribution system that supplies power to the other machinery on the vehicle, such as compressors, generators, propellers, etc.), cavitation, and hydrodynamic noises caused by the motion of the ship through the water. Ambient noise is background noise in the sea due to either natural or manmade causes, and may be divided into four general categories: hydrodynamic, seismic, ocean traffic and biological. [10:2584]
UNIVERSAL RESOURCE LOCATOR (URL) - A web site address consisting of the following components: protocol, user, password, host, generally consisting of a three-part domain name and optional port (e.g., www.ieee.com), and a URL path. The URL is formatted as follows:
Some or all parts of "user:password@", ":password", ":port", "/url-path" and ";typecode=typecode" may be excluded from the URL. The host name is a set of domain labels separated by ".". The url-path is of the form name1/name2/name3/..., and resembles a standard DOS path string, except that the slashes are forward slashes (/) rather than backslashes (\). [See http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html for a technical discussion on URLs] NOTES: (1) In the example "http://www.ieee.com", http is the hypertext transfer protocol, www is world-wide web, ieee is the network (or company) name, and com is the "top-level" domain name. Other common top-level domain names include com, net, edu, mil, gov, us, and uk. (2) If a URL contains a "%" symbol, the two characters following that sign are interpreted as hexadecimal; this allows the use of otherwise illegal ASCII characters (such as a space, which may be included in the URL as "%20" ).
UNMANNED AIR VEHICLE (UAV) - An air vehicle having no on-board pilot, capable of receiving continuous or intermittent commands from a human operator at a distance. The vehicle is normally designed to be recoverable . [10:24] NOTE: An example of a UAV is the 100-ft wingspan Raptor/Pathfinder, a solar-powered eight-motor, unmanned flying wing designed to stay aloft for weeks or months watching for ballistic missile launches or sampling air pollution. [10:2534]
Priority and Mission | Payload Type |
1. Reconnaissance | EO / IR, Search and Rescur (SAR) |
2. Mine Countermeasures | IR |
3. Target Designation | Laser Target Designators |
4. Battle Management | EO / IR, Search and Rescur ( SAR) |
5. Chemical-Biological Warfare | Point-Source Detectors |
6. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) | COMINT / ELINT |
7. Counter-Camouflage | Multi-Spectral Sensors |
8. Electronic Warfare (EW) | ESM / Jammers |
9. Combat Search and Rescue | EO / IR, COMINT |
10. Communications Data Relay | Communications Relays |
11. Information Warfare (INFOWAR) | Specialized Electronic Attack (EA) |
Source: US Army, Unmanned Systems magazine, 1999 |
UNMANNED UNDERWATER VEHICLE (UUV) - An underwater vehicle launched from a torpedo tube to perform a variety of underwater scouting missions using visual imaging. [10:106] Synonymous with UNMANNED UNDERSEA VEHICLE. See also UNDERWATER VIEWING MODULE (UVM).
USER AGENT STRING - An alphanumeric string containing the self-identification of a BROWSER, such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer. [] See also MOZILLA. EXAMPLE (1999): Internet Explorer 4, running on Windows 98 sends the following USER AGENT STRING: User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
VACUSOL - A spacecraft decoy. Sprayed from the protected spacecraft, it consists of a cloud of particles which reflect light at the same wavelengths as those reflected by the spacecraft. []
VACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLAY (VFD) - A (vacuum tube) TRIODE consisting of a thermionic CATHODE, a control GRID, and a phosphor-coated ANODE which produces the display. []
VACUUM TUBE - An electronic device in which conduction by electrons takes place in a vacuum or gaseous medium within a gas-tight envelope (tube). Vacuum tubes generally consist of a heating element (unless it is of the COLD CATHODE variety), CATHODE, zero or more control elements (or GRID), and a plate (or ANODE). Except for electronic displays, such as the CATHODE RAY TUBE, and certain high power applications, vacuum tubes have largely been replaced by solid state devices. Also called VALVE. [] NOTES: (1) One way of classifying vacuum tubes is according to the number of elements contained in the tube. Thus, a DIODE contains two elements (cathode and plate), TRIODE contains three elements (cathode, grid, and plate), TETRODE contains four elements (cathode, two grids, and plate), and PENTODE (cathode, three grids, and plate). (2) Several types of otherwise obsolete vacuum tubes are still being manufactured in Eastern Europe (1998) for use by entertainers in guitar and other instrument amplifiers, e.g., 6L6 beam power tetrode introduced by RCA in 1936, 12AT7 dual triode, and the 12AX7 dual triode. [10:2636]
VALUE ADDED NETWORK (VAN) - A private service that securely routes data from one organization to another for a fee. []
VAN ECK DEVICE - A device which monitors RF radiation from computer monitors and connecting cables. []
VAN ECK MONITORING - The monitoring of the activity of a computer or other electronic equipment through detection of low levels of electromagnetic emissions form the device. Named after Dr. Wim van Eck who published on the topic in 1985. []
VARIABLE POLARIZATION - An ECCM technique for use against a main-beam on-target or STANDOFF JAMMER. It controls the POLARIZATION of the radar antenna to maximize SIGNAL-TO-JAMMING RATIO in the radar receiver. [8]
VARIABLE VELOCITY RIFLE SYSTEM (VVRS) - A rifle which vents propellant gas to vary projectile velocity for either lethal or non-lethal effects. [10:2752] See also NONLETHAL WEAPON.
VECTORED THRUST DUCTED PROPELLOR (VTDP) COMPOUND HELICOPTER - A specialized helicopter for airborne mine countermeasures (MCM) towing missions. It features a ducted propellor for forward thrust and small wings for added lift.
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Source: ONR |
VEHICLE ACTIVE DEFENSE SYSTEM (VADS) - A NONLETHAL WEAPON system consisting of a vehicle equipped with mounted flash, bang, and smoke grenades to distract, allowing the vehicle to then evade ambushers. [10:2745]
VEHICLE MANAGER - An individual who manages the flight profile of several unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) and/or unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicles (URAVs) simultaneously, and is envisioned (1996) as part of a team consisting also of a weapons officer, and an intelligence analyst, all involved with the missions of these pilotless air vehicles. [10:2586]
VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (VMS) - A vehicle control system characterized by a high degree of physical and functional integration of manual and automatic flight controls, propulsion controls, and airframe utility subsystem controls. [12]VEHICLE MOUNTED MINE DETECTOR (VMMD) - A vehicle-mounted system which is capable of detecting, within 0.25 meters, both surface and underground mines buried to a depth of 8 inches. The VMMD is equipped with a forward-looking infrared sensor, a mission control computer, and a ground-penetrating standoff mine detection radar. [10:2629]
VELA - A set of nuclear detonation (NUDET) detection satellites (Vela-5A, 5B, 6A, 6B) deployed in the period 1969-1979. Probably named after the star Vela ("The Sail") []VELOCITY GATE PULL OFF (VGPO) - A SELF-SCREENING ECM technique used against velocity tracking radars. It captures the victim radar's velocity gate, walks it off in velocity, then turns OFF, leaving the velocity gate with no signal, causing a break in the velocity track. The process is repetitive. [8] Synonymous with VELOCITY GATE WALK-OFF.
VERTICAL CAVITY SURFACE-EMITTING LASER (VCSEL) - A laser device constructed using ATOMIC-LEVEL MANUFACTURING. The VCSEL is composed of multiple NANOMETER-thick layers of different semiconducting materials that are sandwiched together. The specific wavelength and intensity of the emitting light can be tuned by controlling the spacing between material layers in the fabrication process. [10:2834] NOTE: VCSELs have applications in high-bandwidth, optics-based telecommunications networks.VERTICAL COVERAGE DIAGRAM - See FADE CHART.
VERTICAL LAUNCH ASROC (VLA) - An ASROC launched from a fixed vertical launcher. [] ( View the VLA Program logo )
VERTICAL SITUATION DISPLAY - An electronically generated display on which information on aircraft attitude and heading, flight director commands, weapon aiming and TERRAIN FOLLOWING can be presented, choice of presentation being under control of the pilot. [1] See also HEAD-UP DISPLAY, HORIZONTAL SITUATION DISPLAY.
VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNI-DIRECT RADIO-RANGE (VOR) - A ground-based electronic navigation aid that transmits VHF omni-directional radio signals, 360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from magnetic north. [10:2771] NOTE: The primary radio navigation aid in the National Airspace System, VOR is the internationally designated standard short-distance radio navigation aid for air carrier and general aviation Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations. It provides a bearing from the aircraft to the VOR transmitter. Distance to the ground station is provide by a co-located Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) or TACAN. If the VOR is co-located with a TACAN, the configuration is called VORTAC. [10:2770]
VERY LONG INSTRUCTION WORD (VLIW) - A computer instruction word which encodes four or more operations in a single instruction. []
A non-lethal means to render a suspect vessel inoperable for a sufficient period of time to enable a boarding party to reach and board the vessel. []VIA - A vertical plated-thru hole, usually drilled, in a multi-layered Printed Circuit Board (PCB) used to provide electrical connection between two or more layers. If the via connects two or more layers within the PCB, not including either outer layer, it is called a BURIED VIA. If the via connects two or more layers to include one of the outer layers, it is called a BLIND VIA (BLIND TOP VIA or BLIND BOTTOM VIA). If a via connects all layers it is called a THROUGH VIA; see the figure below. [10:2714]
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VIBRATION SENSOR - A device usde to provide vibration information. There are three basic types of vibration sensors: displacement transducer, which is a non-contact device measuring minute distances between the observed equipment and the sensor; velocity sensor (e.g. spring-held magnet moving through a coil of wire) which measures vibration as either horizontal or vertical motion; and accelerometer, a piezoelectric device. []
VIDEO BLANKING INTERVAL - A television (TV) broadcast area reserved for data. Internet data are delivered to the PC by using the video blanking interval in a broadcast or cable TV signal. The signal is then received by a TV tuner card, and the incoming video is displayed in a full or one-quarter screen. []
VIDEO COMPRESSION - Techniques which allow television pictures to be transmitted over relatively narrow bands. [10:36] NOTE: Some video compression systems incorporate baseline picture frame techniques. A single frame is digitized and stored in memory. Subsequent picture frames are compared to this baseline and only the differences between the two frames are transmitted. Other techniques involve removal of alternate lines of pixels or the use of parallel processors and compression algorithms to simultaneously handle "sub-pictures".
VIRTUAL ANTENNA - A method by which a single radiating element achieves radar antenna characteristics through the use of digital processing and movement of the radiating element, target, or both. []
VIRTUAL-CATHODE OSCILLATOR (VIRCATOR) - A broadband tunable device capable of producing intense electron beams, and therefore suitable for use as a DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON. [10:16]
VIRTUAL CIRCUIT (VC) - A PACKET SWITCHING technique in which a logical connection is established between two stations. Communications over a virtual circuit differs from connectionless communication in that all PACKETs follow the same route, may carry less header information, and arrive in the order they were sent. [10:2632]
VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT (VR) - A computer-generated, three-dimensional representation of a setting, which unlike VIRTUAL REALITY, need only suggest a real or imagined space, and does not have photo-realism and a sense of total immersion a a primary goal. [10:2595] See also DISTRIBUTED VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT.
VIRTUAL HEIGHT - The apparent height of an ionized layer determined from the time interval between the transmitted signal and the ionospheric echo at vertical incidence, assuming that the velocity of propagation is the velocity of light over the entire path. [3] See also IONOSPHERE.
VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK (VPN) - (1) A computer connection in a shared network that has the appearance of a dedicated link. [] (2) A community of users who communicate securely within a public network, (e.g., the Internet). [] (3) The use of encryption in the lower PROTOCOL layers to provide a secure connection through an otherwise unsecure network such as the INTERNET. [
Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing]VIRTUAL REALITY (VE) - A combination of technologies whose interfaces with the human user can so dominate the senses that the person intuitively interacts with the immersive and dynamic computer-generated environment. [10:2595] Contrast with VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT. NOTE: Virtual reality provides a full immersion of the user(s) in an interactive computer-generated environment.
VIRTUAL WORLD - A loose way of describing any DISTRIBUTED VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT, whether separately or in combination. [10:2595] See also CYBERSPACE.
VISIBLE LIGHT - ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION which can be detected by the human eye. It is commonly used to describe wavelengths which lie in the range between 0.4 and 0.7 microns. [3] See also ELECTRO-OPTIC, INFRARED, ULTRAVIOLET.
VISUALIZATION - An image- processing technique that combines the use of image processing, graphics, multi-dimensional (volume) rendering and photo-realistic rendering. [10:113]
VLF DIGITAL INFORMATION NETWORK (VERDIN) - A very low frequency (VLF)/low frequency (LF) communications system to provide secure command and control (C2) to strategic and tactical submarine forces and airborne VLF relay "Take charge and move out" (TACAMO) aircraft. []
VOICE SYNTHESIS DEVICE - A NONLETHAL WEAPON which has the ability to clone a persons voice so that a synthesized message in that person's voice can be transmitted (e.g., by satellite) to a selected audience. [10:2754]
VOICE TO SKULL (V2K) DEVICE - NONLETHAL WEAPONS which include (1) A NEURO-ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICE that employs microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation. Depending upon the frequency and power densities used, such transmissions may be perceived by humans due to the ELECTROPHONIC EFFECT, which manifests itself as a buzzing or clicking sound in the back of the head. (2) A SILENT SOUND DEVICE which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. [] Also called ARTIFICIAL TELEPATHY, MICROWAVE HEARING, FREY EFFECT. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio sub-liminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.
VOLATILE RAM - Computer Random Access Memory in which data cannot be retained without continuous power dissipation. [] Contrast with NON-VOLATILE RAM.
VOLCANO - A multiple mine delivery system which can deploy GATOR MINES from various vehicles and helicopters. [10:2735]
VORTEX WEAPON - A NONLETHAL WEAPON that generates an explosive charge which creates a massive shock wave traveling at hundreds of miles per hour to its target. [10:2730] NOTE: This weapon can knock down people or even aircraft, and could be used in combination with gases or chemical agents.
VORTAL - A Web site that contains news, links and other information specific to one particular industrial sector. []
VOYAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (VMS) - A computerized system which includes an electronic chart display and information system. It determines the ship's position and movement by integrating input from GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) sensors, navigation radars, depth sounder, speed log, gyrocompass, and other systems. VMS can provide a display showing surface radar contacts superimposed on an electronic nautical chart display. The system includes an advanced steering function to drive the ship automatically, and allows the ship to follow the course of a programmed voyage plan. [10:2663]
VULNERABILITY - (1) The characteristics of a system which cause it to suffer a definite degradation (incapability to perform the designated mission) as a result of having been subjected to a certain level of effects in an unnatural (manmade) hostile environment. [1] (2) An electronic system measure expressed as a composite of ACCESSIBILITY, INTERCEPTIBILITY, SUSCEPTIBILITY. [4:13] See also GRACEFUL DEGRADATION.
WAKE SIGNATURE CONTROL - SIGNATURE CONTROL designed to reduce an adversary's ability to detect, track, and engage friendly units through analysis of surface and underwater wakes. Sensor systems that can detect wakes include visual, conventional and IR photography, IR radiometry, and microwave radiometry. [12]WAKE VORTEX - The air turbulence generated behind an aircraft. []
WAR BREAKER - A research program initiated by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). War Breaker addresses automated surveillance, targeting, intelligence, and planning to target and destroy time-critical targets such as mobile missile systems and advanced command and control centers. [JED "Washington Report 5/93]
WARDIALER - A computer program, used by CRACKERS, which dials a specified list of telephone numbers and records those which answer with HANDSHAKE tones, distinguishing among modem, fax, and PBX tones. [] NOTE: WARDIALERS have evolved from DEMON DIALERS.
WARFARE SYSTEMS ARCHITECT (WSA) - (Navy) An individual responsible for designing SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE for naval forces of the future based on requirements provided by OPNAV. []
WARFIGHTER'S TACTICAL ASSOCIATE (WTA) - A server-like station mounted on a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV -- "Hummer", or "Humvee") used to relay and link to the Individual Warfighter Systems (IWS) on "electronically enhanced soldiers". [10:2830]WAR GAME - A simulation, by whatever means, of a military operation involving two or more opposing forces, using rules, data, and procedures designed to depict an actual or assumed real life situation. [1]
WARTIME RESERVE MODE (WARM) - Characteristics and operating procedures of sensor, communications, navigation aids, threat recognition, weapons, and countermeasures systems that a) will contribute to military effectiveness if unknown to or misunderstood by opposing commanders before they are used, but b) could be exploited or neutralized if known in advance. Wartime reserve modes are deliberately held in reserve for war-time or emergency use and seldom, if ever, applied or intercepted prior to such use. [1]
WATER HAMMER - A weapon used for underwater combat or mine clearing. The device employs a phase array of shock tubes to generate and focus underwater shock waves into a pressure pulse exceeding 2,000 psi. In effect, it is an underwater attack trumpet, destroying objects hundreds of meters distant with sound. [10:2690] NOTE: The explosive wave generator for the water hammer is powered by a reactant mixture of finely granulated aluminum and seawater. A horn forms the exit vehicle for the energy waves out of the source tube. Converging waves reinforce each other in a zone away from the front of the source. This ability to focus shock waves differentiates the water hammer from conventional methods of dropping explosives in the water.
WATER-JET MINE CLEARING - The destruction of land and sea mines or other unexploded ordnance (UXO) by firing high-pressure (2,000-100,000psi) water jets at the target in order to penetrate the casing and destroy the main explosive charge. [12.1] See also AIR-CHISEL MINE CLEARING.WATTENBERG PLOW (WP) - A strongback with vertical cutting knives at 4-inch spacings, behind a blanket of cross-linked chains. It is towed from a distance of about 600 feet by a helicopter at speeds up to 20 knots to clear land mines. [10:2791] See also CLAUSEN POWER BLADE.
WAVE - A disturbance propagated through a medium or through space. [3] NOTE: Disturbance, in this definition, is used as a generic term indicating not only mechanical displacement but also voltage, current, electric field strength, temperature, etc.
WAVE CLUTTER - CLUTTER caused by waves from the sea. [3]
WAVE DETECTION - The sensing of sub-audible atmospheric waves. An example is the detection of clandestine nuclear explosions and rocket plume products that roll across the atmosphere and produce waves and vertical undulations as well. Such waves travel a long way, and provide potential for detection by suitable detection devices. [10:2655]
WAVE DISTURBER - JAMMING transmitter. [10:61]
WAVE FILTER - A TRANSDUCER for separating WAVES on the basis of their frequency. [3]
WAVEFORM - A manifestation or representation or a visualization of a WAVE, pulse, or transition. [3] EXAMPLE: The geometrical shape obtained by displaying a characteristic of the wave as a function of some variable, usually time, plotted over one primitive period (e.g., one cycle).
WAVEFORM DIVERSITY - A radar ECCM technique wherein the transmitted waveform characteristics are changed periodically or randomly to make it difficult for an ECM operator to receive, determine the lethality of, and/or effectively jam the radar. [8]
WAVELENGTH DECORRELATION - A high-resolution imaging technique for measuring target shape and estimating surface-scattering properties. [10:2504]
WAVELET - (1) Families of basic mathematical functions in terms of which other arbitrary functions can be represented with far greater accuracy and efficiency than the Fast Fourier Transform. [10:116] (2) An oscillating waveform that persists for only one or a few cycles. A given wavelet has both a location (position) and a scale (duration). [10:2588] NOTE: Wavelets were initially developed for performing multi-resolution analysis on digital imagery. There appear to be many additional applications, including audio and video compression and covert communications. Wavelets are most useful for representing signals and images with discontinuities
. For additional discussion, click . [11.2]WEAPON BACKTRACKING - Determining the location of a firing platform by analyzing weapon observables and trajectory. []
WEARABLE COMPUTER - A garment (cotton t-shirt) composed of continuously woven optical fiber to detect bullet or shrapnel wounds under battlefield conditions. Additional fibers in the shirt are attached to a personal medical monitor attached to the soldier's belt to monitor vital signs. The shirt actually functions like a computer, with sensors attached to the soldier's body. When the continuous optical fiber is broken, a remotely located medical unit can accurately assess the soldier's condition before dispatching medical units to the battlefield. [10:2675]
WEB BROWSER - A software application used to locate and display Web pages. Most modern web browsers can display graphics as well as text, and some can present multimedia information, including sound and video. [10:2755] Also called BROWSER.
WELTANSCHAUUNG - A SPACE AND ELECTRONIC WARFARE (SEW) concept under SONATA that prescribes a "world view" or "global perspective" for SEW. [10:2505] See also COPERNICUS ARCHITECTURE, CROESUS STRATEGIES.
WHITE ALICE - White (for snow) ALaskan Integrated Communications and Electronics. A 900 MHz tropospheric communications system (circa 1956 - 1979) consisting of 49 communication sites throughout Alaska. They were characterized by their 50-foot "drive-in-movie-screen" antenna reflectors. White ALICE was subsequently replaced by satellite systems. [10:2777]
WHITE NOISE - RANDOM NOISE or IMPULSE NOISE that has a flat frequency spectrum at the frequency range of interest. [3] ( LISTEN to white noise. LISTEN to white noise with modulation.)
WHITE-PHOSPHOROUS GRENADE - A grenade which spews phosphorous over an area from 35 to 50 meters; it is used for signaling, screening, and incendiary purposes, or to inflict casualties. [10:2780] See also INCENDIARY GRENADE.
WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) - A data or computer NETWORK which covers a large geographical area. [] Contrast with LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN).
WIDEBAND OPERATIONS - A fuze counter-countermeasure consisting of fuze operation over a wide band of frequencies from VHF up, thus increasing the difficulty in jamming the fuzes. [4:2] See also FUZE JAMMING.
WIDEBAND RADAR - A radar that utilizes a wide bandwidth for very short pulse and/or multiple frequency operation. [8]
WIDEBAND SHORT-PULSE - A radar ECCM technique where a very narrow transmitted pulse and a wide bandwidth receiver are used. [8]
WIDE OPEN RECEIVER - A receiver that provides a wide BAND PASS by means of broadly tuned circuits. [10:2]
WILD WEASEL - (1) An aircraft specially modified to identify, locate, and physically suppress or destroy ground based enemy air defense systems that employ sensors radiating electromagnetic energy. [1] (2) An aircraft designed to engage in SUPPRESSION OF ENEMY AIR DEFENSE (SEAD). It precedes or accompanies a strike group into a target area protected by surface-to-air missile sites and uses a combination of threat identification and targeting systems to automatically detect, identify, locate and destroy missile sites with anti-radiation missiles, stand-off guided weapons and iron bombs. [] Synonymous with IRON HAND.
WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION (WPT) - The beaming of microwave energy to a vehicle which then converts it to DC power that can drive a motor, thus eliminating the need for a battery on board. WPT is presently (1999) being used on prototype UNMANNED AIR VEHICLE (UAV) devices called MINIATURE (MICRO) AIR VEHICLEs (MAVs). [10:2671]
WOBBLIN' GOBLIN - A nickname for the F-117 stealth aircraft. []
WOODEN BOMB - A concept which pictures a weapon as being completely reliable and having an infinite shelf life while at the same time requiring no special handling, storage or surveillance. See also WOODEN ROUND. [1]
WOODEN ROUND - An ordnance round (shell, missile, etc.) requiring no maintenance or preparation time prior to loading for firing. See also WOODEN BOMB. [9]
WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) - A HYPERTEXT-based, distributed information system created by researchers at the CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Switzerland. [10:2736]
WRITE ONCE READ MANY (WORM) - An optical disk used for archiving computer data. []
X-RAY LASER - A DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON consisting of a nuclear bomb surrounded by metal rods, presumably a space-based device. When activated, the bomb causes the rods to emit x-rays radiation which can be directed at a target. The powerful x-ray beam produces a powerful shock wave in the target, destroying it. []
Y2K WINDOWING - A computer program patch that allows one to continue to use 2-digit years for both the 20th and 21st century in data input so that the system converts the number to a properly prefixed year. This is accomplished through the use of a "pivot", where years prior to a pivot point are assumed to be of the 21st century, and dates after the pivot are from the 20th century. [10:2728] NOTE: Y2K windowing is not a Y2K solution, it merely moves the Y2K problem to another year, depending on the value of the pivot. In addition, windowing will likely not work on PCs used in mainframe environments.
YEHUDI - An optical jamming technique whereby a number of lights are placed on an aircraft to provide the aircraft with a luminance close to that of its background. The lights are pointed in the general direction of the threat observer, making the aircraft difficult to be seen. [1984 USAF briefing handout] See also ISOLUMINESCENCE.
YTTRIUM ALUMINUM GARNET (YAG) - A crystal used in lasers. []
YTTRIUM IRON GARNET (YIG) - A crystal used in modern receivers. When used in a frequency oscillator, the YIG crystal's frequency can be changed by varying a surrounding magnetic field. []
"Z" ELECTRO-OPTICAL PAYLOAD (ZEOP) - A light-weight, all-weather, day and night image intelligence sensor for close- and short-range UNMANNED AIR VEHICLEs. The ZEOP weighs less than 50 lbs. and used a simple modular design incorporating second-generation IR technology. It is housed in a stabilized gimbaled turret, and contains an integral autotracker. [10:2528]
ZENER DIODE - A class of silicon DIODES which permit a highly stable reference voltage to be maintained across the diode despite a relatively wide range of current through the diode. [3*]
ZIG-ZAG COURSE - A series of relatively short varying course segments superimposed over a desired base course. [] See also SINUOUS COURSE CLOCK. NOTE: Zig-zag courses are used to make it difficult for a tracking submarine to compute a torpedo fire-control solution, since the ship will seem to be making a series of random unexected course changes. Tactical publications exist which contain a number of zig-zag courses to achieve various percentages of base speeds (e.g., one zig-zag course at a speed of 15 knots may result in advancing along the desired base course at an effective speed of, say, 80%, or 12 knots). The trade-off, therefore, is between zig-zag effectiveness, and base speed.
ZONAL ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION - A ship architecture technique that reduces the amount of electrical cabling needed on ships and minimizes electric cable penetration of watertight bulkheads. []
ZONE OF SILENCE - A local region in which the signals of a given radio transmitter cannot be received satisfactorily. [1]
September 28, 2001 06:55 AM -0700