The data collected by Lightning Team instruments is archived and catalogued
by the Global Hydrology Resource
Center where it is made available free of charge*. Some datasets also have additional software
available. Information on these software packages is in the documentation
provided by the GHRC.
NOTE: Most data sets have browse images created as soon as possible after initial data ingest.
As time allows, further quality control procedures are performed, especially on satellite datasets.
QC refers to data which has been through Quality-Control procedures, while NQC refers
to "Non Quality Controlled", for which only the browse images have been generated. Where possible,
we have provided both.
Data can be ordered free of charge from the GHRC through HyDRO,
the GHRC's online data ordering system, or by contacting the GHRC
User Services Office . Please note that not all datasets archived by
the GHRC are from the Lightning Team. Most datasets are
available in several media forms, including digital tape and ftp download,
and are available in compressed or uncompressed formats. Most datasets
are stored in HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) files. Information about this
format is available from the National
Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the URL
NCSA provides a public domain library supporting HDF on a wide variety
of computer platforms.