Effect of Bulk Electrical Conductivity on TDR Measurement of Water Content in Porous Media

Published in Symposium and Workshop on Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure, and Mining Applications held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, September 17-19, 1994 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1994), pp. 294-308.
USBM special publication SP 19-94

by Ian White, Soil Physicist, CSIRO Center for Environmental Mechanics, Canberra ACT Australia,
Steven J. Zegelin, Soil Physicist, CSIRO Center for Environmental Mechanics, Canberra ACT Australia, zegelin@python.enmech.csiro.au,
G. Clarke Topp, Soil Physicist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada, toppc@ncccot2.agr.ca
Allison Fish, Research Student, The University of Sydney, Department of Soil Science, Sydney, NSW, Australia.


Electric and magnetic fields propagating in wet porous media experience dielectric losses because of polarization and electrical conduction of the media. This work predicts the influence of dielectric losses on TDR-determinations of water content in porous materials and compares predictions with measurements. A three-phase effective medium model is modified to show how dielectric losses change the relation between apparent dielectric constant and water content without evoking bound water. This equation is tested using graphite-sand mixtures in which electrical conductivity varied systematically. Measured calibration relations were linear, as predicted by the model, but with slopes up to 250% larger than expected from the bulk phase properties of water. Independently determined low-frequency electrical conductivities of the samples were insufficient to account for the increases in slopes. Additions of electrolyte solution to samples confirmed that low-frequency conduction losses were not the principal cause of slope increases. The model suggests that the water-phase in these materials behaves as if its dielectric properties were substantially different from bulk water. It is suggested, by analogy with insulator-conductor composites, that high frequency conductivity losses may account for slope increases in porous materials.


The use of time domain reflectometry, TDR, to measure the frequency-dependent complex relative permittivity, K*, of dielectric liquids (10) was a major innovation in TDR technology. Its application to lossy dielectric soils to determine their apparent dielectric constant, Ka, (21) and infer their volumetric water content, , (4, 5, 21, 22) was equally innovative, as well as practically important, and involved a considerable leap of faith. (NOTE: A dielectric is described as lossy when it dissipates electromagnetic energy during the polarization process or when it is slightly conducting.) This leap rests on the premise that water in soil, or other porous materials, is dielectrically identical to pure liquid water, despite differences in their partial Gibbs free energy. In many porous materials, the water phase is both in intimate contact with electrically charged surfaces and contains dissolved ionic species. Both cause dielectric losses which can complicate the interpretation of TDR measurements of water content in porous materials, especially heavy clay soils (1, 2, 7, 8, 12).

Pore water in many porous materials does appear equivalent to bunk water (19). Early TDR-measured Ka() curves for many soils, particularly light textured sands and loams, cluster around a narrow region, suggesting a "universal" soil-independent Ka() relation (21). Subsequent work, however, has shown that calibration curves for some low bulk density materials, such as organic soils, as well as media with appreciable electrical conductivity and high specific surface, such as heavy clay soils and anthracitic coals, do not obey the "universal" relation (7, 17, 26, 28). Some of these departures may be due to inherent differences in the dielectric or magnetic properties of the solid phase of the porous materials. Most differences, however, seem attributable to the interaction of water with the porous material or the effect of electrical conduction (8).

This work examines theoretical predictions of the impacts of these dielectric losses, particularly electrical conduction, on TDR Ka() calibration curves, and compares these predictions with measurements.


Relative Permittivity

When electric and magnetic fields travel through wet porous materials their energy can be dissipated by two major factors. The first is due to the fact that the constituent molecules or dipolar species within a sample require a finite time, the relaxation time, , to adjust to the changing field strength of the imposed electric and magnetic field (6). This polarization or relaxation process gives rise to a phase lag between the imposed field and the material's response to it. The phase lag is a function of the angular frequency, co, of the imposed field. Because of this lag, relative permittivity must be represented as a complex quantity, K*, with real (in-phase), K'(), and imaginary (out-of-phase), K' (), components (14).

The second major factor causing dielectric losses in porous media is the electrical conductivity of the media, . Conductivity can arise from both surface conduction, s, due to electric charges on the surface of the solids, and from ionic conductance, w, caused by dissolved electrolytes in the water phase. In sands and loams s is small, but in heavy clay soils it can be significant. The contribution of both loss factors to K* is given by (14)


Here j = , dc is the zero frequency, (dc) electrical conductivity of the sample, 0 is the permittivity of free space (8.85418x 10-12 F/m) and tan is the loss tangent defined as


The loss tangent lumps together all dielectric losses. The functional dependencies of K' and K' on for pure water are known (11) so the frequency dependence of tan for water can be calculated readily. In porous materials, water closely associated with charged surfaces or ions is less mobile than in bulk water and is called bound water. Bound water has a lower K* than pure water.

Losses due to dipolar relaxation effects become important as the frequency of the imposed signal increases to approach 1/, but EQUATION 1 shows that dc conduction losses are more significant as frequency decreases. The hope has been that TDR measurements operate between these frequency extremes in a region where losses can be ignored.

Electrical conductivity losses can sometimes cause total attenuation of the reflected signal. Attenuation in conducting porous materials becomes an increasing problem as the electrical conductivity or length of the TDR probe increases. Dalton and his colleagues (3) showed how attenuation can be used to estimate electrical conductivity.

Apparent Dielectric Constant

The total down and back travel time, t, for a transverse electric and magnetic, TEM, wave propagating in an open-ended transmission line of length L imbedded in a medium with unit permeability and relative permittivity K*, is (24)


where c is the velocity of TEM waves in free space ( 2.997925x108 m s-1). TDR travel time measurements give the apparent dielectric constant, Ka as defined as (23)


From EQUATION 3 and EQUATION 4, it is clear that both in-phase and out-of-phase components contribute to the value of Ka


or in terms of the individual loss components


The frequency term in EQUATION 6 poses a problem for estimating Ka from the real and imaginary components of K* because TDR uses a band of frequencies rather than a single frequency. Heimovaara (13) concluded that Ka was the real part of the relative permittivity at the highest frequency of the TDR setup. However, he also concluded that Ka was influenced by the imaginary components as well, which is consistent with EQUATION 6.

It is expected from EQUATION 5 and EQUATION 6 that dielectric losses will cause Ka to be greater than K' at the same frequency. How much greater depends on the magnitude of tan. For pure water the correction is much less than 1% at TDR frequencies. Note that K', K' and dc in EQUATION 6 are functions of and temperature.

TDR measurements in sands to which electrolyte solutions has been added suggest that Ka is, at best, a very weak function of conductivity of the soil solution. Measured Ka() for salt solutions appear identical to those when water alone is added (3, 23, 27). This may be due to the fact that the dependence of dielectric constant on the concentration of electrolytes in water is small (16).

It follows from the above that the apparent dielectric constant, as measured by TDR, is a function of measurement frequency, temperature, electrical conductivity and the in- phase and out-of-phase components of relative permeability. These all interact. The dependence of Ka on water content is now examined.

Dependence of Apparent Dielectric Constant on Water Content

Early work on the relation between Ka and for soils was pragmatic (21, 22). TDR-measured Ka were calibrated against determined by oven drying at 105 degrees Celsius. The underlying notion was that oven drying is the accepted standard. In many environmental applications it is mostly water which can be lost by oven drying that is of concern. The pragmatic approach is totally agnostic about bound water.

Attempts to predict the bulk relative permittivity of a mixture from the volume fractions and relative permittivities of its components have been summarized recently (18, 19). A plethora of mixing laws have been adapted to porous materials despite the fact that most assume that one phase is discontinuous and the permittivity contrasts are small (19). Some models include contributions from four phases, solid, gas, free and bound water. When bound water is evoked, any mixture equation must be considered semi-empirical, since the volume fraction or the range of K for bound water are not known a priori. Both are usually treated as fitting parameters (7, 8).

Experimental evidence suggests that the relative permittivity of a wide range of porous materials follows the semi-empirical "refractive index" mixing model (1, 8, 15, 20, 25)


Here K*w and K*s are the relative permittivities of the pore-water and solid phases, and b and s are the dry bulk density and the particle density of the material.

It is tempting to substitute TDR-measured Ka for the complex K in EQUATION 7 and indeed this has been done (25). This is only valid when dielectric losses are negligible. When losses are negligible, EQUATION 7 predicts that the square root of Ka measured by TDR in nonswelling materials should be a linear function of water content with slope of = 7.96, at 20°C. For sands, the linearity of measured Ka1/2() data is remarkably good, although the slope is about 6% larger than the expected 7.96 ( 26).

In general, the real quantity Ka cannot be substituted for the complex quantity K* in EQUATION 7. Equating the real components of both sides of EQUATION 7 and assuming that tan for the soil minerals is zero (8), one finds


with Ka,w the apparent dielectric constant of the soil-water phase given by EQUATION 6.

EQUATION 8 predicts that the slope of the calibration line, Ka1/2 versus , should be linear with slope greater than Kw' by a factor {[l+(l+tan2w)/2}1/2, which depends on the dielectric losses of the soil-water phase. Two key questions are: whether losses in the soil-water solution are identical to those of bulk water with the same composition and whether Kw' is that of bulk water; or whether the presence of soil minerals alters it. Calculations of the losses for pure water show for the TDR frequency range that (Ka,w-Kw')/Kw' < 0.01. Therefore, even for sands, the observed increase in slope of 6% of the calibration EQUATION 8 cannot be explained by assuming that water in the soil has the same properties as pure water using this model.

It can be argued (18) that the dependence of the bulk electrical conductivity of a porous material on the conductivity of its constituents should follow a similar relation to that for relative permittivity. If so, we can write


where w is the conductivity of the pore water phase.

An examination will now be made of how well the suspiciously simple relation between Ka and describes the TDR-measured relations for materials whose bunk conductivity was altered in a systematic fashion.


Porous Materials Used and Measurements

To change the bulk conductivity of a porous material systematically, powdered industrial graphite was mixed with Bungendore fine sand from which the clay fraction had been washed. Bungendore fine sand was used because its Ka versus 0 calibration curve is close to the theoretically expected curve (25) and is also in good agreement with the "universal" curve (21). The mixtures used ranged from 0% to 8% by weight graphite. Signal attenuation for samples above 8% graphite prevented accurate Ka measurement with uninsulated TDR probes. Water contents of the mixtures were changed by adding known quantities of distilled water to the mixtures. Duplicate calibration curves were determined for each graphite concentration. For two graphite concentrations, 0% and 3%, 0.005 M KCl solutions were added in place of distilled water as the water phase.

Soil-graphite mixtures with different water contents were packed into brass cylinders and Ka was measured using three-wire TDR probes (27) of length 0.148 m connected to Tektronics 1502B or 1502C cable testers. The tester was controlled and data was analyzed automatically and stored using a lap-top computer. Ten measurements were taken at each water content and the values averaged. The electrical conductivity of the graphite-sand-water mixtures was determined using an ac conductivity bridge (Radiometer, CDM3) at 120 KHz. The cell constant of the TDR probe for these conductivity measurements was determined using KCI solutions. All measurements were made at 20°C.


Calibration Curve

The influence of graphite concentration on the measured TDR calibration curve between Ka and is shown in FIGURE 1 for three representative graphite concentrations, 0%, 4% and 8%. The duplicate measurements at each graphite concentration were not significantly different and have been lumped together. Results for all graphite concentrations used are given in TABLE l.

Three main observations can be drawn from the results in FIGURE 1 and TABLE 1. The first is the remarkable linearity of the Ka1/2 against calibration curves for all added graphite concentrations. The correlation coefficients listed in table 1 show an excellent fit of the data to EQUATION 8. This linearity would appear consistent with an hypothesis that, for any particular graphite concentration, the soil-water phase behaves as if it has a fixed apparent dielectric constant (Ka,w = constant) for the entire water content range. The second observation is that significant deviations from linearity do occur at water contents less than about 0.05. This deviation is illustrated in FIGURE 2 for the 8% graphite data. Additions of water have either little impact on Ka up to of 0.05 or may well decrease it. This seems to indicate formation of a bound water phase with a Ka less than that of the solid phase. Similar, although less pronounced, deviations occurred for all graphite concentrations in this range. Note that EQUATION 8 cannot account for a constant value of Ka at low .

The third observation from FIGURE 1 and TABLE 1 is the dramatic increase in slope of the calibration curves with increasing graphite concentration. This is shown more clearly in FIGURE 3 where the normalized slope of the calibration curves is plotted against the weight fraction of graphite. Here the slopes have been normalized relative to the slope expected for pure water with no dielectric losses at 20#&176;C, = 7.96. FIGURE 3 shows that the slope can be increased by a factor of up to almost 250% and has an excellent linear relationship with graphite concentration. The values of the intercepts (TABLE 1) appear independent of graphite concentration below about 4%, after which they show a significant increase. Deviations for the intercepts may be due to the above observation that the measured Ka1/2 for small values of deviate significantly from the linear relation dictated by EQUATION 8.

If the analysis presented in EQUATION 8 is valid then both the apparent dielectric constant of the soil-water phase (Ka,w) from the slopes in TABLE 1, and the relative permittivity of the solid phase (Ks) using the intercepts in TABLE 1, together with the mean particle and bulk densities of 2.62 and 1.48 t/m3, can be calculated. Values of Ka,w and Ks so calculated are given in TABLE 2.

Calculated values are listed in TABLE 2. The addition of graphite alters the estimated relative permittivity of the solid phase (Ks) significantly when the graphite concentration exceeds 3%. However, these changes are minor when compared with the apparent dielectric constant of the water phase, Ka,w, whose values are spectacularly greater than the value of K0 for pure water (80.36 at 20#&176;C). Even Ka,w for sand without added graphite is significantly larger as is consistent with other measurements (25). If the analysis underpinning EQUATION 8 is correct, then it seems that the dielectric losses of the soil-water phase are substantially increased by the presence of graphite in the sand. This is unexpected since additions of conducting graphite (Ks) to sand (Ks4.3) ought to contribute to losses in the solid-phase component.

Bulk Electrical Conductivity

Graphite was added in these experiments to increase the electrical conductivity of the bulk phase,s. In EQUATION 9 both graphite and quartz have been lumped together into a single solid phase. FIGURE 4 shows typical relationships found between measured gin and H for three graphite concentrations.

It is clear that the simple relationship, EQUATION 9, only holds in an approximate sense. Departures from linearity increase as the graphite concentration increases. At the highest concentration (8% graphite) the dependence of on graphite concentration appears sigmoidal. Different functional dependences from that assumed in EQUATION 9 seem to hold at low water contents. This may be consistent with the notion of the presence of less mobile water.

The values of the slopes, , and intercepts, (b/s, found for each graphite concentration fitted to EQUATION 9 together with standard errors and the square of the regression coefficient are given in TABLE 3. The regression coefficients demonstrate that the data are described only approximately by EQUATION 9. FIGURE 5 shows the dependence of on graphite concentration. There it can be seen that, despite the approximate fit to EQUATION 9, appears to be an excellent linear function of graphite concentration. It is a simple matter to estimate the apparent electrical conductivities of the solid (s) and water (w) phases from the data in TABLE 3.

Calculated values of w and s listed in TABLE 4 show that it is only at the highest graphite concentration, 8%, that the solid phase contributes significantly to the conductivity of the sample. This is consistent with measurements in carbon black composites (9). Both TABLE 4 and FIGURE 4 demonstrate that the major contribution to electrical conductivity is in the soil-water phase at all graphite concentrations rather than the solid phase (i.e. the dependence of slope on graphite concentration is greater than that of the intercept).

Results for carbon black additions to two-phase, insulator-conductor composites show that these mixtures undergo a discontinuous transition from insulator to conductor at a particular additive concentration (9). This concentration is below that at which the conducting additive can form an interconnected network. The mechanism for conduction at this transition is believed to be governed by electron tunneling across insulating layers between particles or aggregates of the additive (9). The results here are consistent with the hypothesis that the water phase acts as a convenient conduit for conduction between graphite particles. If so, additions of small amounts of water should do little until a connecting network of water is formed. Once that network is formed, conduction should be independent of added water. Both seem consistent with the results in FIGURE 2, FIGURE 5, and TABLE 4.


If the sand-graphite-water systems studied here do behave as insulator-conductor composites, it follows that there should be a strong correlation between the water-phase conductivity and the apparent dielectric constant of the soil-water phase. This correlation is shown in FIGURE 6 where Ka,w is plotted against and is amazingly linear. A causal relationship cannot be assumed here. Both quantities in FIGURE 6 are determined by the graphite concentration. In principle, EQUATION 5 can be used to calculate the dependence of the apparent dielectric constant of the soil-water phase, Ka,w, on its electrical conductivity provided the loss tangent was known. It can be seen from EQUATION 2 that in order to calculate tan, Kw' and Kw' must be known and a representative value for the measurement frequency must be identified. The first two quantities are unknown and the third is a matter of some debate. If a representative value of the measurement frequency is assumed to be 300 MHz and setting Kw' = 80.36 (pure water at 20°C) Kw' = 0, the contributions of w to Ka,w can be estimated.

Substituting these values and the maximum w from TABLE 4 in EQUATION 2 for dc, and using the resultant tano in EQUATION 1, it is found that the maximum contribution to Ka,w by conductivity alone amounts to only a 5.4% increase in apparent dielectric constant above that for pure water. In order for dc electrical conductivity (dc) alone to account for the observed large increases in apparent dielectric constant, the representative measurement frequency of the TDR would need to be assumed to be only 16 MHz. Since the longest TDR pulse travel time measured in this work was of order 10-8 s (i.e., a characteristic frequency of l/10-8s = 100MHz), it seems highly unlikely that such a low representative frequency is reasonable.

Given these assumptions, it appears from the data in TABLE 2 and TABLE 4 that the predominant contribution to the large apparent dielectric constants appears to be through the imaginary component, Kw' . It must also be added, however, that this component seems well correlated with the square root of the soil-water phase conductivity which is in turn related to the graphite concentration in the matrix. In insulator-conductor composites, high frequency losses appear due to ac conductivity which increases with frequency (12). A possible explanation of the large increases in apparent dielectric constant demonstrated in FIGURE 6 is that they are due to frequency conductivity caused by "tunneling" in the water-phase between graphite particles. Electrolyte was added to the water-phase to test this explanation.

Effects of Electrolytes in the Soil-Water Phase

Two experiments were performed in which 0.005M KCL was added to the dry soil in place of distilled water for 0% and 3% graphite concentrations. The calibration curves for found in these experiments do show some systematic curvature however they agreed well with the distilled water data. Values for the slope and intercept of EQUATION 8 for added salt are also listed in TABLE 1. Calculated values of Ka,w and Ks are shown in TABLE 2. The values of Ka,w for KCl are larger than for water, but not significantly so. It may be concluded that the presence of added dilute electrolyte has a negligible impact on measured Ka. This is consistent with available data (3, 23, 27).

The dependence of the square root of the conductivity for the 0.005 M KC1 results as a function of water content, again showed a systematic departure from EQUATION 9, although the data fit the relation reasonably well. Values for the slope and intercept of EQUATION 9 for added KCl are also presented in TABLE 3 and the corresponding values of w and s are listed in TABLE 4.

The KCl data are also plotted in FIGURE 5 and FIGURE 6 for comparison with the water values. It can be seen that the added KCl does not appear to change the slope of the relationship between Ka,w and graphite concentration or , but merely displaces it.

It is clear from these results that contribution of dissolved electrolytes in the soil- water solution to conductivity is fundamentally different from that of the conducting surfaces of the graphite in the soil. This is unfortunate. The hope had been that it may have been possible to use TDR-measured electrical conductivity to correct TDR determined Ka() calibration curves and produce a universal relationship.


A fundamental thesis in the application of TDR to water content determination in porous material has been that the dielectric properties of the soil-water phase are similar to those of bulk water. Increasing evidence has accumulated to show that this is not the case, particularly in materials with high surface charge (7, 13, 17, 26). For these materials, dielectric losses perturb the relationship between the TDR-measured apparent dielectric constant, Ka, and the independently measured water content. This work has attempted to examine, in a systematic fashion, the impact of dielectric losses on the relationship between Ka and for porous materials.

It has been shown that the simple three-phase, semi-empirical mixing law predicts that the slopes () calibration curves should be greater than that calculated using the real part of the dielectric constant of bulk water because of dielectric losses. Calculations for pure water reveal, however, that dielectric losses in pure water are insufficient to account for the observed increase in slope of calibration curves, even for sands. This leads to two possible conclusions. Either water in even the most simple porous material-water systems has different dielectric loss properties to pure water or else the analysis of what dielectric properties are measured using TDR is faulty.

Graphite-sand mixtures were used to explore the predictions of the model concerning the impact (Jr bulk sample conduction on the () calibration curves determined with TDR. The results demonstrated the predicted linearity of the calibration curves but slopes were up to 250% larger than those calculated from the properties of pure water. The increase in slopes was a linear function of the concentration of graphite in the sample. If it is assumed that the simple three phase model is correct then it suggests that the soil-water phase in these mixtures has substantially different dielectric properties than those of bulk water.

Despite the linearity of the calibration curves, significant and consistent deviations do occur at low water contents. These could be interpreted as the occurrence of bound water. These deviations are worth exploring.

It has been shown that independently measured electrical conductivity of samples at low frequencies cannot explain the observed increases in Ka,w For any particular graphite concentration the electrical conductivity appeared to follow a mixing law similar to that for relative permittivity. As well, the square root of the electrical conductivity of the soil-water phase showed a surprisingly good linear correlation with graphite concentration. This lead to the observation that Ka,w was also a linear function of . If it is assumed that sand-graphite-water systems behave similarly to insulator-conductor composites, then the conductivity results suggest that the water phase may act as an electron "tunneling" conduit between the conducting particles. This conduction conduit may give rise to high frequency ac conductivity losses which could account for the observed magnitudes of Ka,w

If these assumptions are correct then the results presented here suggest that the imaginary component of the relative permeability of the soil-water phase is dominant for the frequencies used in TDR measurements. Experiments in which KC1 was added to the soil-water solution showed negligible impact on the TDR calibration curves which is consistent with the notion that the dielectric losses are predominantly due to relaxation effects. Measurements in heavy clay soils, where it was possible to estimate K ', indicate that it plays a dominant role in determining the slopes of calibration curves.

Unfortunately, the results presented here suggest that it does not yet seem possible to use TDR-measured values of apparent dielectric constant and electrical conductivity to back-calculate a universal calibration relation. In a pragmatic sense this does not restrict the usefulness of TDR since the slopes of the calibration curves for nonswelling media are remarkably linear. This implies that calibration curves can be determined with relatively few measurements. This study has raised a number of issues which require resolution. TDR measurements alone at one temperature will not provide the complete answer. Instead, measurements in the frequency domain at a range of temperatures appear necessary.


This work was partially supported by NERDCC under grant no. 1198 and CSIRO Land and Water Care Program. We thank Dr Kevin O'Connor of US Bureau of Mines, Twin Cities Research Centre, for helpful editorial comments.


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Last modified: 06-12-98

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