Celia GUI Project Management

All modelling tasks are carried out from the project management environment. This allows control of each modelling job through an Explorer style interface, as shown below.

project management window

The layout contains drop down menus, toolbars and three windows.  The windows show respectively (clockwise) a project file browser, a text file edit/display window and a grey feedback window.

The organisation of each project is such that all project files are maintained in a project directory.  The file browser shows all files (input, output and report) that currently exist in the project directory.

All files in the project can be opened and displayed in the main text file window.  Input files may be edited directly, although the recommended and usual route for input of solver parameters is through the solver input dialog

The input text edit functionality is provided because it is usually the case that proficient users of modelling software prefer to edit text input files for minor changes, circumventing the use of the input dialog.  There is a one to one correspondence between the text input file and the input dialog regardless of where the changes are made eliminating errors arising through lack of simultaneity of data.

The grey feedback window displays text feedback in response to operations performed.

The toolbar and dropdown menus provide access to the main tool functions of the GUI, geometry edit, solving and post-processing.