Solver Input Dialog Tool

The solver input dialog collects all the information necessary to run the solver (aside from geometry information).  All source, mesh, boundary and output parameters are requested in logical order by selecting the tabbed sheets available from this dialog. 

To ensure that the input is clear and intuitive each type of input is separated on a tabbed page of a property sheet style dialog. 


Solver Input Dialog

The tabs at the top of the dialog show the data input to the individual pages.  In total there are 7 pages dealing with all the necessary input parameters.  Some of the pages are very simple, for example, the ‘Time’ page which simply asks for a single parameter for the run duration.  Some of the other pages, particularly ‘Excitation’ and ‘Output’ are more complex and are input dependent.

Once all the data is input and the OK button pressed, the project text input file (which is the repository of all input data) is updated.  Further changes can be made to the data by invoking the dialog again and changing the relevant parameter, or by editing the text input file if preferred.