Recommended U.S. TSCM Firms
The following is a list of private TSCM firms who specialize in "bug sweeps" and wiretap detection and all of whom have legitimate TSCM training, credentials, and equipment (all are very well respected within the industry).
While most TSCM specialists are available for travel outside of a specific geographic area they tend to avoid such engagements, or will limited the services to vulnerability analysis, pre-construction assistance, non-instrumented inspections, simple RF checks, in-place monitoring, or limited TSCM services involving only a briefcase sized in-place monitoring system (such as a single spectrum analyzer, MSS, Eagle, ScanLock, OSCOR, SPECTRE, or similar box).
These private TSCM firms tend to operate in a specific geographic area limited to a few hundred miles (usually within a four to six hour automobile drive). However, all of the TSCM firms listed here are available for travel anywhere in the United States or the World on short notice, but only provide limited services when operating outside of their normal coverage area. This limited coverage area is due to the logistics involved in transporting hundreds and often thousands of pounds of sophisticated, highly sensitive electronic instruments, equipment and tools. Bug sweeps and wiretap detection involves the use of ladders, pole climbing equipment, LAN analyzers, X-ray systems, large antenna's and other equipment which is not easily transported by airplane.
TSCM firms also tend to restrict their operations to a specific geographic area to facilitate an expert level of knowledge regarding the RF environment, construction methods used, community zoning, population demographics, civil engineering, aeronautic or maritime facilities, local military bases, and related areas. Knowledge of such regional information is critical for a successful TSCM project.
The TSCM specialist must also have an intimate knowledge of the telephone systems, engineering methods, fiber optics, major cable locations, central office switches, test numbers, and related communications infrastructure present or being used in an area (which tends to be very regional).
An understanding of what types of eavesdropping devices, methods, and frequencies are being used in an area is also important, as is a knowledge of what type of surveillance equipment is being sold within that region (and other areas). The TSCM Procedural and Protocols Guides used by a specialist also tend to be based on specific issues and variables present in that specific geographic area.
On a more interesting note, many of these firms are located in, or near major maritime port cities. The heaviest concentrations are around major cities on the East and West coasts with a very limited presence in the Mid-West, Great Plains, and Rockies.
If you are in the Mid-West, Great Plains, or Rockies area you would need to engage a TSCM firm from one of the major port cities. For example customers in Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Denver, Salt Lake City, Billings, etc. would need to fly a TSCM specialist in from Boston, New York, Washington DC, Los Angles, Lexington, or Seattle.
When you contact any of the following firms please mention that you saw them listed on this web site.
Please be patient when contacting these firms, as if they are out serving a client they may not be able to return your call for several hours.
Rates generally are non-negotiable and reflect the cost of the sweep practitioner's time, investment in equipment acquisition and maintenance, several weeks of in service training a year, travel, administrative and communications time and expense to coordinate the sweep and written report, and a fair profit for their services.
It is very unwise to shop for sweeps by using price as a criteria as it only invites getting ripped off. Legitimate TSCM professionals are not interested in, nor will then engage in negotiating for a lower price. When you contact persons on this list, you are talking with someone in the same league as an attorney or surgeon, not a salesman. In fact most of the people listed on this page have more time in their specialized training than do most attorneys or medical professionals.
Anything beyond an initial phone call usually will be billable time. Attorneys don't consult for free, and neither do legitimate TSCM specialists. If a potential client calls with a long list of questions not pertaining directly to hiring the practitioner, or wants to know how to do his own sweep, or wants to know how to use the toy sweep kit he purchased on his own, expect to pay an hourly rate in advance for consulting services.
If you are considering engaging (or have already engaged) a TSCM firm and they are not listed in the following directory you would do well to immediately ask some awkward questions.
It is also important you understand that legitimate services by a competent TSCM firm rarely start at less then several thousand dollars for even a basic sweep.
Keep in mind that there only a small number of legitimate and competent TSCM counterintelligence specialists or "Bug Sweepers" in the U.S. private sector. Legitimate TSCM firms are in very high demand, hard to find, and expensive so be patient when trying to find one to help you.
Also, the firms listed on this page are not attorneys and cannot tell you whether it is legal or illegal for you to monitor your own phones. Always call a competent licensed attorney for legal advice. Without exception, no one listed here performs monitoring services or sells surveillance equipment to any other than government agencies AND WILL NOT REFER YOU TO ANYONE WHO DOES.
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All of New England, Upstate New
York, and the Boston Metropolitan Area
(MA, RI, CT, VT, NH,
ME, New York State including Long Island, and some of New Jersey)
Telephone: (978) 546-3803 / Fax: (978) 546-9467
Stamford, Connecticut
Metropolitan Area
(also, Manhattan, Long
Island, and New Jersey)
(203) 357-8051 Telephone
Norwalk, and Lower Fairfield
Country Area
(also, Manhattan, Long
Island, Philadelphia, and New Jersey)
(203) 354-9040 Telephone
Mid Atlantic and New York
City Metropolitan Area
(also, Manhattan, Long
Island, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania)
Greater Philadelphia and Harrisburg Metropolitan Area
(also, serving South-Eastern and Central Pennsylvania)
(888) 990-6265 Telephone
E-mail: 1RCM@MSN.COM
Washington DC and Baltimore
Metropolitan Area
(also, Virginia, Delaware,
and Pennsylvania)
Syracuse NY Area
(Serving all of Central
and Western New York)
(315) 363-0202 Telephone
Houston, Dallas, Austin, and Galveston
(also, Gulf Coast of
Texas and Louisiana)
Lexington KY Metropolitan
(also, Louisville, Cincinnati,
and Central Midwest)
Tulsa OK Metropolitan
(also, Oklahoma, Kansas,
Missouri, and Central Mid South)
(918) 437-1100 Telephone
Washington State and Seattle
WA Metropolitan Area
(also, Oregon, and the
Pacific North West)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, Beverly Hills, Orange County, Los Angles County, San Diego County
(also, Riverside County, and Ventura County)
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