A D V E N T U R E S in C Y B E R S O U N DA 'Sensitive' Crystal Radio from Gnome Technologies (see also a matching 'Selective' Set)
This radio is as simple as they get to still give good performance. In reality there's just one inductor, with the antenna and detector tapped near the bottom to maximize selectivity.
The coil is 80 turns (approx 3") of #24 wire on a 2.25" PVC form. The tap is 6 turns from the bottom, giving antenna-coupling and tuning inductances of 10 uH and 180 uH respectively. Given how simple the circuit is, I decided to work through the math of the frequency response. Some simplifying assumptions:
The detector, filter-capacitor and headphones appear to the rest of the circuit as simply a 1K resistor
We set the tuning capacitor to 100 pF and compute the reactance for the set as:
V in= 100*10^-3 (100 mV input signal typical) Z antenna = 70 + 1/(i*w*160*10^-12) Z tap = i*w*10*10^-6 Z tuner = 1 / (1/1000 + 1/(i*w*180*10^-6 + 1/(i*w*100*10^-12))) Z radio = Z antenna+1/(1/Z tap+1/Z tuner) I radio = V in/ Z radio V phones = I radio*1000
The detector is a piece of fused silicon with point-contact being made on a sharpened 3H pencil lead. Sensitivity and selectivity are impressive.
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