Quake  Homepage

Northern Chile  01/08/00 

 Turkey  11/12/99

Afghanistan   11/08/99

New Madrid 10/23/99

Solomon  10/19/99 

Southern Cal  10/16/99

 Alaska  10/13/99 

 Indonesia  10/10/99 

 Kamchatka 10/05/99

 Mexico  09/30/99 

 Taiwan  09/20/99 

 Turkey  08/17/99  

Mexico  06/15/1999


These pages show the detection times of recent worldwide earthquakes, as recorded by the Elfrad Group

North Chile  01/08/00 11:59:21.0  23.2S  69.9W  33  M=6.3 

This graph shows the electrical precursor and seismic activity before and during this earthquake which occurred in the northern part of Chile. This event had a magnitude of 6.3. The red "P" in the above graph indicates the electrical signal detected when the pressure seismic wave passed over this location. All of the   red lines are the indicated points of various types of seismic propagation.

The green arrow on the left,  indicates the start time of the electrical signals and transients before the seismic disturbances began. These continued for a period of 136.4 minutes before the actual earthquake. The frequency of interest is a band between .02 and .04 hertz.  These signals have been consistent with every major earthquake which has been recorded during the past year. It seems there is a window starting around three hours before each major event, which can be used to forecast impending major seismic movements.

Please keep in mind we are detecting these precursors using underground antennas and are not receiving these signals using the conventional method of electromagnetic detection through the atmosphere. ©2000





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