Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 08:59:14 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

   From : WB1E @ K1RQG.ME.USA.NA
     To : MODS @ ALLUS
   Date : 921007/0128
  Msgid : BF 3616@K1RQG

In the course of performing mods on my Kenwood TH-78A dual band handheld,
I've discovered a potential flaw in the case design.  While handling my walkie
one day (after the mods were done), the display went blank and I could not
turn the radio back on.  With the radio split in half again, I could turn the
radio back on but discovered all the memories were erased.  The cause turned
out to be some component pins on the front face coming in contact with the
square bodies of the two volume/channel/squelch switches, when the case is
screwed back together snuggly.  I placed small strips of electrical tape on
the sides of the switches to insulate, and reassembled; problem solved.  Now
I have to reprogram the darn thing....

Mark WB1E @ K1RQG.ME


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