The box also doubles as a 12V power source and can run other small loads such as a small radio. This project was built with the Simpler is Better approach, the materials are common and many substitutions are possible.
Operating Voltage: 11-12.8V DC Solar Charging Current: 60ma approx. LED Operating Current: 60ma approx.
There are 3 series strings of LEDs in this circuit, the resistors limit the current through the LEDs and prevent them from burning up. The white LEDs have a higher voltage drop and only 3 can be used in series with a 12V (11-13V) source. The red/orange/yellow LEDs have a lower voltage drop per diode, so 4 can be wired in series. The colored LEDs are optional but tend to add a warmer color to the light. White LEDs are expensive, if you are on a budget, try building the light with just one of the three LED strings shown.
One could certainly adapt this basic circuit to work on a lower voltage such as 6V, the LED resistors would need to be changed to maintain a 20ma current through each string and a lower voltage solar panel could be used.
The LED mounting system is somewhat fragile but allows the light to be rotated up and down. The cylinder is made from an unthreaded spacer with a 4-40 screw hole tapped in the middle for connecting the LED circuit board. The C mount is just a piece of flat aluminum that I bent in a vise, hammered into shape, trimmed with a pair of tin snips, and filed smooth. The white diffuser around the LEDs is a cap from a juice bottle that shields the intense white light from the side.
The LED circuit board was custom built with press-n-peel film but can easily be built with a piece of perforated board or prototype PCB material. Don't overheat the LED wires when soldering, white LEDs are expensive and are very easy to burn up. Use a heat sink.
All wiring was done with stranded #22 gauge wire and wire nuts. Note that the specified solar panel comes with its own built in diode, that will work fine, but a 1N5818 schottky diode in parallel with the existing diode will give slightly more charging current due to a lower voltage drop.
The pin jacks can be used to occasionally check the battery voltage, under sunlight the voltage rises up to about 12.8V and at night, it should not be allowed to go below 11V or the battery life will be shortened. A new, fully charged battery will run the light for around 100 hours, so if you put the box in the sun during the day, total discharge should not be a big problem.
An Old 12V UPS battery can be used, just be sure that it has enough capacity left to put out 12 Volts or more when the LEDs are turned on.
Experimenters will want to measure the current in and out of the battery, this can be done by inserting an ammeter in series with the fuse and the battery.
1x 12V 7AH sealed lead acid battery, Panasonic LC-R127R2P or Yuasa NP7-12, from DigiKey 1x GM-684 12V 60ma solar panel, p/n 08SLC09 from Elecronix Express 1x red LED, T1-3/4 size 1x orange LED, T1-3/4 size 1x yellow LED, T1-3/4 size 1x green LED, T1-3/4 size 6x white LEDs, T1-3/4 size from Jameco 2x 120 ohm 1/4 W resistors 1x 220 ohm 1/4 W resistor 1x 1/2 Amp 28VDC fuse 1x fuse holder 2x crimp on battery clips 3x wire nuts 1x 1N5818 diode 1x spst toggle switch 2x pin jacks 1x box large enough to fit the battery and solar panel. misc hardware
Jameco 1-800-831-4242 Digi-Key 1-800-DIGIKEY Electronix Express 1-800-972-2225