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Handy Dandy Little Circuits #30-1


This page shows circuits applications using small signal diodes or rectifiers . When not specified small signal diodes are used such as the 1N914 , 1N4148 or similar .

Biasing means applying
voltage polarity in order
to conduct or block current
flow through a diode as shown .

This circuit will readily
double 120VAC to 240VAC
at 60Hz for small current
appliance such as a shaver .

D1 to D3 can be small
signal diodes or rectifier diodes
depending on voltage
and current load .

Very handy little circuit to
select small increments
voltage drops from a fixed
supply source using
silicon diodes .

Here , diodes are used to block
voltage feed back into two
separate voltage sources
sharing a common output .

This circuit is a basic
rectifier bridge that can
be used with any polarity
DC input supply .
The output will always
be as shown .

Use with care , for low
current application .

Page One


If you have any comments or questions email me at roma60@home.com

© Laurier Gendron, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. 1998