The high overhead of most dc/dc converters' normal supply currents do not permit high efficiency at low load currents. The micropower components and circuit design of the converter in Fig 1, however, enable it to maintain 90% efficiency for load currents below 8 mA.
For example, the quad Schmitt-trigger NAND gate, IC1, draws a maximum quiescent current of 0.25 µA, and the combination voltage reference and comparator, IC2, draws about 2.5 µA.
The circuit's boost regulator, comprising Q1 and associated components, uses pulse-width modulation (PWM), and the circuit supplies gate drive to switch Q1 only when needed. Further Q1 is a low-RDS-ON device, minimizing I2R losses in inductor L1.
The comparator IC2 turns the PWM boost regulator on and off. When the boost regulator is off, the entire circuit draws about 6 µA. IC2 compares its own reference voltage against the circuit's output, VOUT. The resulting comparator output (pin 8) is high when VOUT is above its threshold and low otherwise.
The NAND gates form a combination oscillator, flip-flop, and buffer inverter. The flip-flop blocks oscillator pulses to the gate of Q1 when the comparator's output is high. When the comparator's output goes low, the pulses pass through to the gate of Q1, activating the boost regulator.
R1 and R2 help determine the circuit's dc output level:
The output voltage ripple for light loads depends on the comparator's hysteresis. With R3=2.4 MOhms, the hysteresis in millivolts equals the value of R4 in kilohms. Then, the ripple in millivolts equals
where R4 is in kilohms. For the circuit in Fig 1,