This circuit utilizes a flyback transformer that has wire windings added to its ferrite core. The high-voltage, high frequency is the result of the transformer being driven into resonance at 20 to 170Khz. The flyback transformer supplies high-voltage, high frequency. Its output is in harmony with the Sea of Energy that surrounds it. Like the waves of the ocean, coming and going in regular beat notes, it is in tune with the radiant energy that surrounds its output. This source can be used to excite the Nu Energy Fuel Cell into producing electrical power or "proof of concept" radiant energy circuit. Robert E. Iannini designed this circuit. This circuit may be purchased from Information Unlimited. It is item #TCL50. A less expensive circuit may be built. Click here for online diagram.
The flyback (T1) has two added primary coils to its ferrite core that are driven by two Mosfet (Q1 & Q2) in a push-pull configuration. Full core saturation occurs with this design that reduces strain on the Mosfets as they run fairly cool even at 5 to 7 amps of current draw. A clock circuit (I1) generates synchronous signals 180 degrees out of phase with internal duty time. The frequency is variable with control pot (R3). This allows fine-tuning of the frequency, driving T1 out of resonance where it can reduce over-all output voltage from the flyback for various adjustments. Capacitor (C2) and R3 determines the drive frequency to the primary windings. Resistor (R2) sets the duty time for smooth operation. Inductor (L1) and capacitor (C1) uncouple the Mosfets and clock circuit I1. Resistor (R4) and (R5) eliminates parasitic oscillation that could occur on the gates of Q1 & Q2. Resistor (R6) and C3 form a snubber network to absorb any leakage energy that may be generated by inductance T1. This is to prevent the Mosfets from quickly breaking down if high-voltage spikes occur in the network. C4 and C5 by-pass any high-frequency that could appear at the primary center point of T1.
This circuit draws maximum 5 to 7 amps when properly tuned. I use a small 12-volt direct current (dc) computer processing unit (CPU) fan, that is normally used in personal computers, to cool the flyback transformer.
2. Insert and solder all electronic and electrical components onto a 2-inch square piece of perforated construction board. The blue wires are 20-gauge to carry 5 to 7 amps of current.
3. Parallel wind 15 turns of 18-gauge magnet wire onto a plastic 1½-inch long, ½-inch inner diameter plastic tube. Connect one wire from the top of one of the coiled wires to the bottom end of the opposite coil, this is your B & C connection. Then wrap these coils tight with electrical tape. Carefully separate the flyback transformer's two core halves. Add 0.02-inch thick shims (business card thickness) between the core halves then reassemble. Use hot-glue or equivalent glue to hold the cores in place.
4. Mount Q1 & Q2 onto transistor heat sinks.
5. Recheck all wiring according to the schematic.
Test Circuit
unless otherwise indicatedAll resistors are ¼-watt, 5 % tolerance,
R3-10,000-ohms potentiometer
R4, R5-15-ohms
R6-10-ohms, 3-watt, non-inductive
C1-100-µF, 25-WVDC, electrolytic
C2-3300-pF, 50-WVDC, polyester
C3-0.01-µF, 2KV, ceramic-disc
C4-2200-µF, 25-WVDC, electrolytic
C5-0.47-µF, 250-WVDC, polyester
integrated circuit-Silicon GeneralIC1-SG3525A pulse-width modulator,
Miscellaneous: electrical
S1-SPST 7-amp switch
T1-Modified flyback transformer -see text
L1-1-mH choke coil
F1-10-amp fuse & fuse-holder
Heat sinks & mica insulators for Q1 & Q2
20-gauge wire
18-gauge wire
Miscellaneous: hardware
2-inch square perforated construction board
2-3-inch flat PVC end caps
6-inch length of 3-inch diameter PVC tube
Mineral oil or 12-volt dc mini fan
Electricity is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and caution should always be used when working around it. Please take the time to educate yourself sufficiently. If you don't understand something, investigate further before attempting. Take liberal advantage of encyclopedias, science books, and other reference materials. This file was compiled for information purposes only. We do not control the materials used in construction, the methods of construction, nor the applications of the construction, therefore; WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DANGEROUS OR UNDESIRABLE RESULTS. Always use rubber gloves when working with high-voltages.
: The author assumes no liability for any incidental, consequential or other liability from the use of this information. All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user. Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material, we assume no responsibility for omissions or errors.Disclaimer
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