TheMarx Generator
and the Febetron

"Imagine a device that charges up from a 35 KV supply and discharges 2.6 MV at over 10,000 Amps this all happens in less than 25 nS .(billionths of a second.) "..Russ Graham

Sketch of a Marx Generator

Marx Generator and Febetron Links:

  1. Jochen's High Voltage Page

    "A Marx Generator produces a short, but very high voltage pulse by charging a stack of capacitors in parallel to a lower voltage and then switching them in series. The switching is usually done by spark gaps. " Jochen's page includes his Marx Generator as well as some other interesting projects.

  2. The RPI Dynamic Physics Lab

    "Marx Generator. The Febetron 2020 pulser uses a Marx type high voltage generator, very similar to the circuit originally developed by E. Marx in 1924.

  3. Some of Our Own Stuff:

    The schematic below is for a simple 'Avalanche' high speed pulse generator used to drive a 4PR60 based on an article in 'L Onde Electrique' . We modified the design from the original article to run at a higher pulse repitition rate, It's a sort on mini Marx Generator,and is quite easy to construct although it will require some testing and matching of transistor avalanche voltages. The original version of this circuit used potentiometers to set the avalanche voltage for each transistor, we just bought hundred lots of transistors and selectively matched them to keep the circuit simple. Output is a fast rise time 1 KV. pulse to a 4PR60 which in our case was used for high power laser experiments.

    Some details may have been lost from the original due to my rusty high school French so if anyone out some information on the publication please e-mail.

    Schematic of an avalanche transistor pulse generator