Steve Roberts <> wrote:
> You might try a catalog for neon sign supplies, they use large tranformers to cook the tube during 
>processing, but the cost is going to set you back say 850 dollars for a rebuilt one
>plus the choke needed to regulate current in the primary is going to cost another 200 or so.

A friend of mine who does this uses a pole pig and a substation transformer (both
power company surplus) hooked up backwards to give him 200kV at a few amps.  He
demonstrated it once for me -- drew a 3-4 foot arc with a wire hooked to the end of
a 4-foot long glass rod.  It was most impressive. ;-)

>4. disturb the space time continum

No, you need a flux capacitor and a Mr.Fusion to do that ...

<BGB>   ""

Date: 18 Jun 1996 19:49:58 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Building a Mains Transformer - HELP - 117VAC to 10,000VAC @ 400 MA

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