EHTA Project.

This site is under construction.
Disclaimer: The information presented on this page is intended for people of 21 years of age or older who have a good working knowledge of electrical and electronic safety. The author is not responsible for any loss of any kind brought about by using the information given.

  • Project Overview
  • Improvements over EHT3
  • The regulated 12V power supply
  • The Main Board

  • Project Overview

    The EHTA project will be a high power, high voltage DC supply based on a flyback (or line output) transformer.

    The project will consist of the following:

    I am currently designing this project, details of each part of this design will appear on this page as they are ready. The project will hopefully take over the function of my existing EHT3 design, i.e. to act as a power supply for my Tesla Coil.

    Improvements over EHT3

    The main problem with my EHT3 design, when used to power my Tesla Coil, was that it did not supply sufficient current to the Tesla circuit to charge the Tesla Primary Capacitor quickly. When I set the primary spark gap wide, therefore, the sparks were very infrequent (only 1 discharge per second). The main reason for this deficiency was that the resistance of the secondary of the ignition coil was 7k. The voltage that the EHT3 design could generate was excessive, therefore this design will use a home-wound flyback transformer which should supply 20kV peaks but at much higher current.

    The regulated 12V power supply

    The Main Board

    ©C J Hill 1997. Last modified on 15th March 1998.