Nikola Tesla Page, tesla coils

Hey, congratulations, you found some Tesla stuff on WWW!  I highly
recommend Chip A's coil-building discussion list at 'Pupman.'  Or if you
have questions on Nicola T., subscribe to the listserv run by the 
International Tesla Society (see below.)  Also check out
(TESLA GROUP below) for more files on coils.  All coil builders should
subscribe to the T.C.B.A. newsletter, and buy all  the back issues too!
(It contains hundreds of plans for TCs large and small.)  An index now
exists for the TCBA Newsletter, so buying the correct back-issues is
fairly simple.
This page is part of WEIRD SCIENCE / AMATEUR SCIENCE. Created 12/94.


Tesla Discussion Groups

Coiler's Pages

Tesla WWW links

Coil Photos

Coil plans, instructions, etc.

Links to actual TC plans elsewhere

Homebrew Capacitors

Text files & other info


Hardware, misc.


The files in the list below are available from this Keelynet mirror site, or from the Keelynet BBS itself, phone 214-324-3501. Any disabled files below are only on Keelynet itself, and have not been uploaded to ELEKTROMAGNUM as yet.

Keelynet mirror at ELEKTROMAGNUM, with excellent indexing system

Try Elektromagnum itself, with lots of interesting stuff!

TESLAC.ZIP U/L on 01/19/94 Desc    | Tesla Coil Design Program 
Sz = 36864 DL = 50 Last = 08/26/94 | 

Sz = 59904 DL = 32 Last = 09/15/94 | DESIGN PROGRAM. 

hardy1.asc  U/L on 08/01/92 Desc    | double helix energy emission from a 
Sz = 11150 DL = 19 Last = 06/15/94 |  Tesla coil excited pyramid (see.GIF)
TESLA2.ASC U/L on 08/29/90 Desc    | basic Tesla coil theory 
Sz = 4943 DL = 16 Last = 07/30/94  | 

TESLA3.ASC U/L on 08/29/90 Desc    | influence of Vedic philosophy on Tesla's
Sz = 39407 DL = 9 Last = 07/30/94  | work
tesla4.asc U/L on 11/05/90 Desc    | the Scalar Howitzer and a good descript
Sz = 50644 DL = 12 Last = 07/30/94 | of the Tesla wave principles

tesla5.asc U/L on 01/13/91 Desc    | The Greatest Hacker - includes SDI info
Sz = 26058 DL = 12 Last = 07/30/94 | and Tesla Anecdotes 

tesla6.asc U/L on 02/24/92 Desc    | Death Rays and how Tesla probably caused 
Sz = 32610 DL = 10 Last = 06/30/94 | the Tunguska crater, good info....  

teslafe1.asc U/L on 02/01/93 Desc  |Article on the Tesla Power Box as used 
Sz = 28599 DL = 10 Last = 05/19/94 | in a 1931 Packard to drive 80hp AC motor 

teslafe2.asc U/L on 02/01/93  Desc | sysop comments on Tesla Power Box with 
Sz = 15867 DL = 6 Last = 05/19/94  | Moray comparisons 

zap.asc U/L on 08/02/92 Desc       | 2.3 MV Tesla coil experiments with some 
Sz = 10072 DL = 12 Last = 05/20/94 | anomalous observations (see .GIF's) 

TESLAFE1.GIF U/L on 02/01/93 Desc  | shows 
parallel version of Tesla Power 
Sz = 9801 DL = 24 Last = 04/23/94  | Box...conceptual of course 

U/L on 02/01/93 Desc  | shows SERIES version of Tesla Power 
Sz = 7746 DL = 22 Last = 10/28/93  | Box... 

U/L on 03/18/91 Desc  | Graphics of Tesla Howitzer.  From T.E. 
Sz = 133371 DL = 52 Last = 08/26/94 | Beardens book. IBM's only. Read me file 

Here are three more files from Keelynet which are NOT yet on the two mirror sites. They run on PC compatibles: TESLABLD.EXE U/L on 06/10/93 Desc | How to build your own Tesla coil with Sz = 57435 DL = 77 Last = 08/28/94 | diagrams and parts list...very good TESLAC.ZIP U/L on 01/19/94 Desc | Tesla Coil Design Program Sz = 36864 DL = 50 Last = 08/26/94 | TESLACOL.ZIP U/L on 11/29/92 Desc | program to design your own coil.. Sz = 110638 DL = 70 Last = 09/12/94 | excellent program!

Other things here

Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at:
If you are using Lynx, type "c" to email.