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Name Occupation Years Resident, Comments
La Brut, John H. painter, paper hanger 1900-1902
La Brut, John H., Jr. laborer 1900-1902, son of John La Brut
La Brut, Mabel H. 1900-1902, daughter of John La Brut
La Brut, Mary M. 1900-1902, wife of John La Brut
Label, Henry car repairer 1900
Lake, Henry shoemaker 1899-1908
Lalotti, Pietro chute starter 1900
Lamel, John miner 1898
Landegren, Axel laborer, miner, cager 1900
Lang, Richard railroad 1896
Langley, John stableman 1900-1903
Langley, Nettie 1900-1903, wife of John Langley
Lantine, Mike miner 1900
Larigon, John 1900
Lario, John miner 1897
Larkick, Frances 1900, wife of J. Larkick, maiden name Vitiach
Larkick, Joseph (or James) 1900
Larrui, Joe miner 1900
Lartigue, Louise 1900-1902, step-daughter of Blaze Barney
Lassen, Harry plumber's helper 1900
Lattin, Bruce 1900-1902, son of John Lattin
Lattin, Bruce C. 1899-1903, brother-in-law of Charles A. Stiffler
Lattin, Clyde J. 1899-1903, son-in-law of Charles A. Stiffler
Lattin, Elizabeth 1899-1903, mother-in-law of Charles A. Stiffler
Lattin, Irene 1900-1902, wife of John Lattin
Lattin, John 1900-1902
Lattin, Orrin 1900-1902, son of John Lattin
Lattin, Valentine 1900-1902, daughter of John Lattin
Lattin, Valentine M. 1899-1903, son-in-law of Charles A. Stiffler
Lattin, Viola 1900-1902, daughter of John Lattin
Lattin, Viola B. 1899-1903, sister-in-law of Charles A. Stiffler
Laughy, John 1900
Lawrence, John miner 1898
Le Sem, Ralph miner 1898
Leal, John stableman 1897
Leam, Ethel May 1900-1901, sister of Jacob Leam
Leam, Jacob D. contract miner 1900-1901
Leam, Joseph J. miner, timberpacker 1900-1901, brother of Jacob Leam
Leam, Mary A. 1900-1901, mother of Jacob Leam
Leam, Robert 1900
Leary, John Thomas engineer, miner, machinist 1898-1906, son of William Leary
Leary, William miner 1890-1910
Leary, William, Jr. car repairer 1900-1910, son of William Leary
Lee, Chang Song 1910, son of Gee Lee
Lee, Gee laundryman 1910
Lee, Mary 1910, wife of Gee Lee
Lefever, Charles oil well driller 1906-1907
Leftridge, Elijah miner 1900-1901
Leiter, Mattie 1899, wife of Charles Wolf, maiden name Tyer
Lemiuex, Kitty 1899-1900, daughter of Thomas Lemiuex
Lemiuex, Mrs. 1899-1900, wife of Thomas Lemiuex
Lemiuex, Thomas 1899-1900, son of Thomas Lemiuex
Lemiuex, Thomas carpenter? 1899-1900
Lenzios (Lenzio), Ersilia 1900, wife of Gaspero Lenzios
Lenzios (Lenzio), Gaspero contract miner 1900
Lepeda, Joe contract miner 1900
Levy, A. cook 1900
Lewis, 1901-1902, son of Frank Lewis
Lewis, Frank B. miner 1901-1902
Lewis, Glynn John miner 1900-1910
Lewis, Joe A. cage helper, timber packer, motorman 1900-1901
Lewis, John miner 1900
Lewis, Leo Willett engineer 1906
Lewis, Mrs. Frank 1901-1902, wife of Frank Lewis
Lewis, Ray W. waiter 1900
Lewis, William miner 1900
Libby, Arthur L. swamper, loader, driver 1900, son of Lewis Libby
Libby, Clarrissa E. 1900, wife of Lewis Libby
Libby, Joe B. driver 1900, son of Lewis Libby
Libby, Lewis cager, miner 1900
Linden, Otto L. miner, clerk, storekeeper, potter 1900-1920s
Lindsay, Lulu teacher, principal 1899-1901
Lindsey, Douglas electrician 1898
Lindsey, Mrs. Douglas supt of Congregational Sunday School 1898, wife of Douglas Lindsey
Littlefield, John Franklin mine superintendent 1892-1897
Llewellyn, Griffith L. foreman 1900
Llewellyn, Margaret E. 1900, daughter of Griffith L. Llewellyn
Llewellyn, Margaret E. 1900, wife of Griffith L. Llewellyn
Lloyd, Amanda L. 1910, wife of Sam Lloyd
Lloyd, Bonnie B. 1910, daughter of Sam Lloyd
Lloyd, Samuel S. stationary engineer 1910
Loftus, James miner 1898
Loftus, William Chester contract miner 1898-1900
Loiges, John contract miner 1900
Loiges, Marie miner 1900
London, Angelina 1900, daughter of Peter London
London, Caroline M. 1900, wife of Peter London
London, Charley 1900, son of Peter London
London, Cora 1900, daughter of Peter London
London, Mary 1900, daughter of Peter London
London, Peter miner 1900
Lorri, Jack miner 1900
Lu, Sing laborer 1900
Lu, Yen laborer 1900
Lucas, George 1900
Lundgren, Alta L. 1900, daughter of Charles Lundgren
Lundgren, Charles A. cage helper 1900
Lundgren, Ether M. 1900, wife of Charles Lundgren, maiden name Walker
Lunkel, 1900-1901
Lunkel, Harriet Alice 1900-1901, daughter of Lunkel
Lunkley, Frank timberman 1898
Luy, Zeng laborer 1900
Maccerios, Lawrence contract miner 1900
Madaech, Nick Pottery laborer 1910
Madden, Frank 1900
Maddocks, Massey contract miner 1898-1900
Madison, Mrs. 1901
Magini, Thomas 1900
Maguire, James T. timber packer 1900
Maguire, Tom contract miner 1900
Mahon, John E. 1900
Mahoney, John 1900
Maple, Belle A. dressmaker 1900, wife of George M. Maple
Maple, Everett L.G. 1900, son of George M. Maple
Maple, George M. tracklayer 1900
Maple, Ralph L. 1900, son of George M. Maple
Marcovich, Domingo dinamo electrician, coal passer 1900
Marcovich, Joe 1900, son of Domingo Marcovich
Marcovich, Mary 1900, wife of Domingo Marcovich
Marcus, Louis butcher 1902
Mark, Michael 1900
Marshall, Fred cager 1900
Martin, Bessie 1910, daughter of Dennis D. Martin
Martin, Clarence 1910, son of Dennis D. Martin
Martin, Dennis D. herder at farm stockyard 1910
Martin, Frances 1900-1904, daughter of George D. Martin
Martin, George Dalton miner 1900-1904
Martin, James contract miner 1900
Martin, John 1900-1904, son of George D. Martin
Martin, Lottie C. 1900-1904, wife of George D. Martin
Martin, Louis 1900-1904, son of George D. Martin
Martin, Mary 1900-1904, daughter of George D. Martin
Martin, Mary 1910, wife of Dennis D. Martin
Martin, Neal (Neil) miner 1892-1904
Martin, Peter 1902
Martin, Steve foreman 1900
Martin, Victor 1910, son of Dennis D. Martin
Martin, Walter 1910, son of Dennis D. Martin
Martin, William 1910, son of Dennis D. Martin
Mathiesen, Angus Robert bartender 1900-1902
Matsugi, Haraki 1910, son of Etsuyi Htaki
Matsui, S. cook 1900
Matteson, Robert brakeman on railroad 1896
Mattiodr, Matela miner 1900
Matty, Geoge 1900, son of Mike Matty
Matty, John 1900, son of Mike Matty
Matty, Mary 1900, daughter of Mike Matty
Matty, Mary 1900, wife of Mike Matty
Matty, Michael 1900, son of Mike Matty
Matty, Mike miner 1900
May, Adelia 1899-1902, wife of William H. May
May, William Herman barber, librarian, sawmill 1899-1902
McCarty, Charley miner 1890
McClay, Elmer 1895-1908, son of Richard G. McClay
McClay, Hazel 1895-1908, daughter of Richard G. McClay
McClay, Lydia A. 1895-1908, wife of Richard G. McClay
McClay, Richard G. underground foreman, miner 1895-1908
McConky, Scott Enock 1904
McCormick, Andrew miner 1898
McCormick, John Joseph engineer 1895-1910
McCormick, Maggie 1895-1910, wife of John J. McCormick
McCormick, William Francis hoist engineer, miner 1895-1910, son of John J. McCormick
McCue, James Edward physician 1906
McCutcheon, James 1901
McDermott, Thomas Jr. miner 1898, son of Thomas McDermott Sr.
McDermott, Thomas Sr. miner 1906
McDonald, Jeanie E. 1900, daughter of John W. McDonald
McDonald, Jeannie 1900, wife of John W. McDonald
McDonald, John C. chief engineer 1899-1901
McDonald, John Patrick miner 1892
McDonald, John W. electrical engineer 1900
McDonald, M. 1903
McDonald, Mrs. 1899-1901, wife of John C. McDonald
McDonald, Robert 1899-1901, son of John C. McDonald
McDonald, Robert John foreman 1910
McDonald, Robert L. 1900, son of John W. McDonald
McDonnell, Walter R. pump, cager 1900
McFarlane, Chaning 1900
McFeely, Elizabeth H. 1902-1910, daughter of James E. McFeely
McFeely, Frederick P. 1902-1910, son of James E. McFeely
McFeely, James Edward engineer 1902-1910
McFeely, May M. 1902-1910, wife of James E. McFeely, maiden name Richards
McGee, Agnes 1900-1910, daughter of James H. McGee
McGee, Hendersen 1900-1910, son of James H. McGee
McGee, James Henry motorman, machinist, plumber 1900-1910
McGee, Narcissa 1900-1910, wife of James H. McGee
McGen, James miner 1896
McGlashan, Andrew Alexander miner 1898-1902
McGlashan, Etta 1896-1910, wife of John W. McGlashan, daughter of Allen
McGlashan, John Webb miner, electrician 1896-1910
McGlenn, Aaron miner 1900
McHugh, Thomas 1904
McIntire, Michael carpenter 1898
McKay, James Barron cager 1900-1902
McKay, Mrs. James 1900-1902, wife of James D. McKay
McLaughlin, A. contract miner 1900
McLay, Richard G. miner 1900
McLay, Robert miner 1900
McLear, Charles coal passer 1900
McLelear, Christopher laborer 1900
McMurray, Marguerite teacher 1903-1907
McNamara, John Andrew miner 1898
McPherson, John laborer 1898
McPhiloney, Everett (Ed) Peter miner 1900
McQuoid, John (Jack) Treadwell trapper 1900, son of Robert J. McQuoid
McQuoid, Mary A. 1898-1910, wife of Robert J. McQuoid
McQuoid, Norman Charles blacksmith helper, machinist 1900-1906, son of Robert J. McQuoid
McQuoid, Robert John foreman at sawmill 1898-1910
Mealie, Michael 1900
Mealie, William Thomas skip, stationary engineer 1898-1901
Meehan, Annie 1898-1910, daughter of Patrick E. Meehan?
Meehan, Con Damian, Jr. accountant, bookkeeper 1898-1910, son of Con Meehan, Sr.
Meehan, Cornelius (Con), Sr. miner 1898-1910
Meehan, Della F. 1898-1910, wife of Patrick E. Meehan
Meehan, Edwin P. 1898-1910, son of Patrick E. Meehan
Meehan, Elaine R. 1898-1910, daughter of Patrick E. Meehan
Meehan, Etta M. 1898-1910, daughter of Patrick E. Meehan
Meehan, Grace 1898-1910, daughter of Patrick E. Meehan?
Meehan, James J. miner 1900-1906, son of Con Meehan, Sr.
Meehan, Mamie A. 1898-1910, daughter of Con Meehan, Sr.
Meehan, Mrs. Con 1898-1910, wife of Con Meehan, Sr.
Meehan, Patrick Edward miner, foreman 1898-1910, son of Con Meehan, Sr.
Meiutz, Antone miner 1900
Mekama, Risaburo miner 1900
Melines, Germain miner 1898
Mendenhall, Griffith Sloan 1902-1904
Menhall, 1902
Merritt, Matt miner 1900
Merritt, Maurice timber packer 1900
Mesita, I. laborer 1898
Messa, laborer 1898
Messa, William potter 1908
Messetz, Anton miner 1900
Miller, Pete contract miner 1900
Mitcham, Artimus 1906-1910, son of George W. Mitcham
Mitcham, George Washington miner 1906-1910
Mitcham, Yunde 1906-1910, wife of George W. Mitcham
Mitcham, Yunie 1906-1910, daughter of George W. Mitcham
Mollenhauer, John Louis saloon keeper 1898-1900
Monk, Sydney contract miner 1900
Moon, F.E. pump 1900
Moore, Edward W. miner 1900
Moore, John contract miner 1898-1900
Moran, Demetrius A. potter 1908
More, Albert Wallace assistant superintendent, foreman, miner 1898-1902
More, Delia M. 1898-1902, wife of Albert W. More, daughter of Wm. Leary
More, John Claud bunker boss, foreman 1898-1900
More, Marie A. 1898-1900, wife of John C. More
Morean, Desire miner 1898
Morello, Joe miner, fireman 1900
Moretto, Michael 1904
Morgan, Adolph 1900, son of Edward H. Morgan
Morgan, Albert T. 1900, son of John H. Morgan
Morgan, Ann 1900, wife of John H. Morgan
Morgan, Edward H. miner 1900
Morgan, H. cook 1900
Morgan, John H. miner 1900
Morgan, Margaret G. 1900-1901, mother of Thomas H. Morgan
Morgan, Mary 1900, daughter of John H. Morgan
Morgan, Selma 1900, wife of Edward H. Morgan
Morgan, Thomas H. miner, laborer 1900-1901
Morgan, Violet 1900, daughter of Edward H. Morgan
Morgan, William H. miner 1900-1901, brother of Thomas H. Morgan
Morganti, James miner 1907
Mori, A. Pottery laborer 1910
Morrillo, Joe 1900
Morris, Ben contract miner 1900
Mortimer, Charles electric department 1900
Mosby, George 1900
Mouysset, Christine M. 1900, wife of Eugene Mouysset
Mouysset, Eugene miner 1900
Mouysset, Noel J. 1900, son of Eugene Mouysset
Mull, Jake 1904
Mullen, Jeramia (Jerry), Jr. miner, loader 1900
Mulligan, Thomas laborer at livery stables, coal passer 1900-1906
Mullins, W.F. hotel kitchen helper 1900
Mumaw, George Wilson stenographer, typist 1900
Munrow, G.W. 1900
Murphy, John J. contract miner 1900
Murphy, John miner 1898
Murphy, William Fred skip, dumper, stationary engineer 1898-1902
Murray, Daniel contract miner 1900
Murray, Henry night watchman 1910
Myers, Elamander laborer, stableman, teamster 1904-1910
Myers, Emma 1904-1910, wife of Elamander Myers
Myers, Raymond 1904-1910. grandson of Elamander Myers

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