List of Names

Here are the names on the "List of persons associated with Nikola Tesla"
from the pages of the FOIA file. 
Each person has a short paragraph about them, I will supply copies of
these pages to anyone that wants them @ 15 cents a page + postage.
The copies are negative, (black with white characters) and just readable.
It's too much to type for this old man!
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Kerrigan, William Baumgarten, Charles Skerrit, Miss Dorthy Merrington, Marguerite Holden, Mrs. Agnes Lowenstein, Frits & brother Emil Shirk, A. J. Arbus, Muriel Miss. Berg, Seigurd Behrend, Bernard, A. Mrs. Bosken, Slavko, Mr. Denton, Clifford, Mr. Brown, Authur Curtis, Thomas Stanley Cramps, Shipbuilders, (Mr. Cramps) Czito, Julius Clark, Mr. Geo. H. Crosby (?) Wetzel,( Tailors for Dr. Tesla) French, Shriner and Urner Cornels, Fredrick C. Cramm, Earnest R. Gilder, Rodman Denmark, Lt. U.S. Army G2 Kirch, Leon Drews, Lillian DosPassos, John DeForrest, Dr. Lee Dubilier, William Frandenburg, A. E. Fitzgerald, Francis, A. Mr. Gernsback, Hugo Hammond, John Hayes, Jr. Hassell, Eugene Floyd Hobbs, Octavious Hatmaker (no initials) Kosanovich, Sava Kerr, John Byrne, Thomas, J. Kostich Kulishich Prof. Kosta Gage, E. G. Levi, Bernard Lucan, John Lynch, Author Lawrence, William (?)assie, M. C. Maier, Ruth N. Martin, Octavo Mathews, Grenville Mott, C. Jordon Jr. Gossett, W.O. Nathan, Thoma, A. O'Neill, John, J. Pickard, Dr. Greenilef Whittier Sarony, Inc. Photographers Page, Parker W. Radosavljevich, Paul, R. Ritchen, (?) Astor, Mrs. John Jacob Secor, Harry Sweezy, Kenneth, M. Scott, Prof. Charles F. Scheriff, George Mrs. Skerrett, John ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I think it's interesting that many of these same names are most likely blacked XXXXXX out on other documments!

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