Capacitor Discharge

This is my capacitor discharge system. I bought the flash unit for $2.00 from a second hand store and removed the high voltage capacitor and added it to my other camera flash caps that i have been collecting which is about 4. The whole bank is hooked up in parallel to make a total of 1500 uF @ 350 Vdc. I have not calculated the energy yet. I also hope to get a high voltage/current SCR instead of using two cable ends.



This discharge unit can be used for many things, such as discharging through and ignition coil or an HEI coil, an air cored solenoid (can be used to launch metal objects), CD's, or anything that you have no use for anymore.

Here are pictures of just some of the things that I have discharged my bank through. Make sure that you click to enlarge.


An exploded LED

That used to be a green diffused LED. It broke into 4 pieces, but at the point of discharge one flew off and hit me in the arm and I couldn't find it. Now it almost looks like it turned metallic.


A cap discharged 555 timer

Above: I couldn't find the top half.


A cap discharged 555 timer

Above: At least one stayed together (or tried). This one made a deafening bang (maybe I should think about ear protection).

Much more to come...