In view of the "electricity map", here is how we usually divide up
STATIC ELECTRICITY:Refer to the above map, and note that the left-hand side contains the things involving "current", while the right-hand side has the "static."
Electrical happenings which involve HIGH VOLTAGE at low current.CURRENT ELECTRICITY:
Electrical happenings which involve HIGH CURRENT at low voltage.
I believe that talk of "current" and "static" is profoundly misleading.
It hides the true nature of electricity. It's like saying that there are
two kinds of water, pressurized water and flowing water. Yet water is
water, and water doesn't magically turn into a special kind of substance
called "Current Water" whenever it starts flowing. There is no such thing
is "current water," and there is no such thing as "current electricity."
If something is flowing inside of wires, just say it that way. Don't
pretend that a form of energy called "current electricity" exists.
If fur rubbed upon rubber causes a high voltage at nearly zero current,
why not simply say so, instead of discussing a nonexisent "kind" of
electricty called "Static?" In truth, "static" is a separation of
negatives from positives, and if the separated charges should move along,
'Static' Electricity that Flows