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this page since July 1, 1995.
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Bruce Haynie was chasing this supercell near McLean, TX on June 8, 1995. This is the second of 4 tornadoes that were produced by the storm. View is looking west northwest; the tornado is about 4 miles away.
Photos (C) 1995 by Bruce Haynie. Image used with the author's permission.
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Late-Breaking And Important Chaser News/Announcements (Updated June 3, 1998!)
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Tornado Talk - Must Reads for Chasers!!!
Eyewitness Accounts And Reports From Chasers (Last Updated 4/22/98)
National Weather Service Interface (Or: How do I report a tornado down to them?)
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Where To Contact Chasers In Need Of Chase Partners.
The Storm Chaser Homepage FAQ List.
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If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions regarding The Storm Chaser Homepage, please feel free to send email to me, Gilbert Sebenste at sebenste@taiga.geog.niu.edu .
Chase if you can, bust if you must, but at all times, learn.