
Japanese Encoding System - JIS

First digit : aprox. filament voltage

First letter :
D - super miniature
G - octal
L - locktal
M- miniature 7 pin
N - nuvistor
R - miniature 9 pin
X - 4 pin
Y - 5 pin
Z - 6 pin
W - 7 pin
T - large 7 pin
B - other
First letter after hyphen :
L - small triode with mu < 30
H - small triode with mu > 30
A - power triode
R - sharp cutoff RF tetrode or pentode
V - remote cutoff RF tetrode or pentode
B - Power beam tetrode
P - power pentode
D - detector diode
K - kenotron
G - gas rectifier
E - magic eye
Last digit :
Indicates diffireces in characteristics. For rectifiers - even digit for full wave rectifier,
odd digit for half wave rectifier.