Programming features include an accumulator and six eight bit registers that can be paired as 3-16 bit registers. In addition to the general registers, a stack-pointer, program-counter, and two index (memory pointers) registers are provided. While not in the same leauge as the 80486 or 68000 series, the Z80 is extremely useful for low cost control applications. One of the more useful features of the Z80 is the built-in refresh circuitry for ease of design with DRAMs.
The Z80 comes in a 40 pin DIP package. It has been manufactured in A, B, and C models, differing only in maximum clock speed. It also has been manufactured as a stand-alone microcontroler with various configurations of on-chip RAM and EPROM.
Pin # Signal (active high unless noted) 1 A11 2 A12 3 A13 {Address bus} 4 A14 5 A15 6 CLK (clock, rising edge trig) 7 D4 8 D3 9 D5 {Data bus} 10 D6 11 +5 VDC 12 D2 13 D7 14 D0 15 D1 16 INT (Interupt Request) 17 NMI (Non-maskable Interupt Request) 18 HALT (Active low) 19 MREQ (Memory Request, active low) 20 IORQ (I/O Request, active low) 21 RD (Read, active low) 22 WR (Write, active low) 23 BUSAK (Bus Request Acknowloegmnet, active low) 24 WAIT 25 BUSRQ (Bus Request) 26 RESET 27 MI (Maskable interupt, active low). 28 REFSH (Refresh timing, active low) 29 GND 30 A0 31 A1 32 A2 33 A3 34 A4 35 A5 36 A6 37 A7 38 A8 39 A9 40 A10