Z-World Products: Dynamic C Integrated Developent Software
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Speed Time to Market with Industry Proven Dynamic C

Dynamic C is an integrated C compiler, editor, linker, loader and debugger specifically designed for Z·World products. Designed to eliminate the need for expensive in-circuit emulators, Dynamic C allows you to develop your application quickly for fast time to market.

Dynamic C's enhancements and variations from standard C facilitate real-time programming on powerful embedded systems. Language extensions include constructs for cooperative and preemptive multitasking, protecting writes to variables during power failures, and writing interrupt routines. Libraries for standard C functions, board-specific peripheral drivers, chip peripherals, and other features are included in source code format. Assembly language programming is fully supported, and assembly code is easily mixed with C code for time-critical applications.

Debugging occurs while the application runs on the target. Alternatively, you can compile your program to an image file for later loading. Dynamic C runs on PCs under Windows 95, 98, 2000 and ME. Programs are downloaded to a Z·World single-board computer at baud rates of up to 115,200 bps while the program compiles.

    Standard Debugging Features

  • Breakpoints Breakpoints can be set to disable interrupts at users discretion
  • Single stepping Step into or over functions at a source or machine code level
  • Code disassembly The disassembly window displays addresses, opcodes, mnemonics and machine cycle times. Switch between debugging at machine code level and source code level by simply opening or closing the disassembly window
  • Watch expressions Watch expressions are compiled when defined, so complex expressions including function calls may be placed into watch expressions. Watch expressions can be updated with or without stopping program execution
  • Register window All processor registers and flags are displayed. The contents of general registers may be modified by the user in the window
  • Stack window Shows the contents of the top of the stack
  • Hex memory dump Displays the contents of memory at any address
  • STDIO window printf outputs to this window and keyboard input on the host PC can be detected for debugging purposes

    Other Features:

  • Fast floating-point math support
  • No royalties or license fees
  • Loader utility program loads binary images into Z·World targets in the absence of Dynamic C
  • Users can create their own source code libraries and augment on-line help by creating Òfunction descriptionÓ block comments using a special format for their library functions
  • Generate programs that use as much as 512K of data in RAM, and 512K of code in flash or EPROM

    Versions of Dynamic C

    Dynamic C 32
    Dynamic C 32 is designed for use with Z·World Z180 microprocessor-based single-board computers. Dynamic C and Z·World Z180-based boards have been successfully used to develop thousands of products since 1990.
  • MODbus both master and slave drivers are available
  • Serial Graphics Engine for Z·World 1/4 VGA display products
  • RS-232 and RS-485 serial communications
  • Expansion board drivers
  • Analog and digital I/O
  • LCD and keypad control
  • Master/Slave networking
  • Modem-based Download Manager program
  • Real-time kernel

Dynamic C Premier/Dynamic C SE
Dynamic C Premier and Dynamic SE versions are designed for use with Rabbit microprocessor-based SBCs. Dynamic C operates differently with Rabbit-based boards than it does with Z180-based boards. One major difference is that Dynamic C does not expect a BIOS/debug kernel to be present on the Rabbit target when it starts up. The BIOS is loaded when Dynamic C starts using the Rabbit CPUs bootstrap mode. Blank flash EPROM can be surface-mounted onto boards, reducing manufacturing costs for both Z·World and other board developers.

Program and Debug Over Ethernet/Internet!
Previously, a target SBC must have been connected to a PC via a direct RS-232 port to program and debug. With the release of Z·Worlds RabbitLink card, Dynamic C Premier and Dynamic C SE have the ability to program and debug over the Ethernet or Internet. See page 36 for more information on the RabbitLink.

    Dynamic C Premier Features:

  • MicroC/OS-II RTOS this full port of Jean Labrosses popular RTK is provided royalty free
  • TCP/IP support including HTTP, SMTP mail client, ICMP, FTP, Telenet, POP3, TFTP
  • Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  • Realtek NE2000 Ethernet chip packet drivers
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) libraries
  • Libraries, sample code and documentation for all Rabbit-based Z·World products
  • Convenient downloadable upgrades on www.zworld.com

Dynamic C SE
SE versions are designed for use with select Rabbit microprocessor-based boards and are included as part of a low-cost development kit. Documentation is included on CD for all pertinent hardware and software, standard C libraries, FFT, and driver libraries. These development kits are an extremely cost-effective way to introduce you to Z·World products. Dynamic C SE is a complete software development system, but does not include all of the Premier features.

Intel Pentium® or faster processor

Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows 98, Windows NT®, Windows 2000 or Windows Me

32 MB of RAM available to Dynamic C

32 MB of available hard-disk space

CD-ROM drive

Versions Available

Dynamic C Premier 7.04

  • Remote program/debug via Ethernet/Internet, when combined with the RabbitLink card
  • Point-to-Point (PPP)
  • Improved memory usage by the TCP/IP stack and the BIOS
  • Improved web server automatically generates and parses form
  • Targetless compilation
  • Faster, smaller generated code
  • Improved compiler error and warning messages
  • “Tip of the Day” interface feature
  • Flash file system for boards with a second flash
  • More sample programs

For products with a Z180 microprocessor

For products with a Rabbit Semiconductor microprocessor

Special Edition designed specifically for select development kits with RabbitSemiconductor microprocessor

32-bit version

New graphics engine

Windows 2000 compatible

Supports up to 512K of code space and 512K in RAM

New driver libraries for all Z-World Z-180 based products

Free software upgrades for one year

Fast Fourier Transform functions

MicroC/OS-II real-time kernel

TCP/IP stack with support for the Realtek NE2000 Ethernet chipset

Supports 1 megabyte of code and data

Driver libraries for products having Rabbit Semiconductor microprocessor

Fast Fourier Transform functions

Supports 1 megabyte of code and data

Software drivers specific to development kit


MicroC/OS II textbook by Jean J. Labrosse available now.

MicroC/OS-II is a ROMable, scalable, real-time, multitasking kernel. It is a simple, efficient, easy-to-use real-time operating system that runs on the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor and is fully supported by the Dynamic C development environment. Applications include engine controls, network adapters, cameras, ATM machines, industrial robots, and more. Based on the original MicroC/OS introduced in 1992, MicroC/OS-II uses the same core and most of the same functions as MicroC/OS yet offers more features.

MicroC/OS-II is capable of inter-task communication and synchronization via the use of semaphores, mailboxes, and queues. User-definable system hooks are supplied for added system control and customizing during task creation, task deletion, context switches, and time ticks.

MicroC/OS-II was designed for embedded applications, and using the tools of Dynamic C, can be embedded as part of your product. This real-time kernel is fully preemptive, meaning it always runs the highest priority task that is ready. MicroC/OS-II is also scalable, allowing you to reduce the amount of memory (both RAM and ROM) needed by MicroC/OS-II on a per-application basis. Its also deterministic, allowing you to always know how much time MicroC/OS-II will take to execute a function or a service.

For more information on MicroC/OS-II, refer to the book "MicroC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel" (ISBN: 0-87930-543-6). It can be purchased at the Z-World store www.zworld.com/store/microcos.html. This real time kernel is royalty-free with Dynamic C Premier.


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