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Ocean Optics photonics technologies have been used in thousands of UV-VIS-NIR applications worldwide, including the emission applications featured here.


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Note: Many entries posted here cite Ocean Optics S1000 Series Spectrometers (S1000/PC1000/PS1000 models). S1000 Series Spectrometers have been replaced by S2000 Series Spectrometers and USB2000 Series Spectrometers, which offer superior performance -- most notably improved sensitivity -- than the S1000 for the vast majority of applications.

Sources: Journals, Magazines and Other Periodicals

Studt, T. Making Air Pollution Models Fit Reality Closer. R&D Magazine, Dec. 1991.
Key terms: Air monitoring; Miniature spectrometer; Global warming

Change, A.; Gillespie, J.B.; Tabacco, M. Enhanced Detection of Live Bacteria Using a Dendrimer Thin Film in an Optical Biosensor. Analytical Chemistry, Feb. 1, 2001, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 467-470.
Key terms: Biosensor; Bacteria, live; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer; Thin films; Fluorescence

Abramson, F.P. CRIMS: Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 1994, Vol. 13, pp. 341-356.
Key terms: Isotopes; Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS); Electronic plasma
Notes: This paper does not cite an Ocean Optics spectrometer. However, the same methodology described here was later modified to include an S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer. The results were presented in the poster session "Use of a PC plug-in UV-Vis spectrometer to monitor the plasma conditions in GC-CRIMS," which is described below (see Plasma Analysis).

Clarke, R.H.; Londhe, S.; Premasiri, W.R.; Womble, M.E. Low Resolution Raman Spectroscopy Instrumentation and Applications for Chemical Analysis. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 1999, Vol. 30, pp. 827-832.
Key terms: Low resolution Raman spectroscopy; Chemical analysis

Author unknown. ISGC Mock Robotic Field Trials -- Spectrometer Project. Excerpted from University of Iowa's GROK Lab Web site (, Aug. 1999.
Key terms: GROK Lab, University of Iowa; Robotic field trials; Chlorophyll analysis; Fluorescence; S2000-FL Miniature Fluorescence Spectrometer; Utah Project '99; Remote science; Mars exploration

Ginsberg, M.A. Exploring the "Underwater Rainforests." Biophotonics International, May/June 1996.
Key terms: Benthic spectrofluorometer; Coral reefs; Halogen light source; Fiber optic cable

Glaskin, M. Luminescent Materials Show Structure Damage. Photonics Spectra, May 2000.
Key terms: Triboluminescence; Crystals; SD2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Ingersoll, C.M.; Watkins, A. N.; Baker, G.A.; Bright, F.V. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 52, No. 7, 1998.
Key terms: Frequency-domain fluorescence; Fluorescence anisotropy; Bovine serum albumin; Acrylodan; ß-mercaptoethanol; Trypsin digestion

Gustafsson, U.; Palsson, S.; Svanberg, S. Compact Fiber-optic Fluorosensor Using a Continuous-wave Violet Diode Laser and an Integrated Spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, August, 2000, Vol. 71, No. 8, pp. 3004-3006.
Key terms: Fiber optic fluorosensor; Fluorescence signatures; SD2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

No author given. Fluorescence cuts foil print waste. Opto & Laser Europe, Issue 65, Aug. 1999, p. 12.
Key terms: Foil printing; Fluorescence; Film thickness; Fluorophore; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Tripathi, A.B.; Boyd, D.A.; Gallivan, M.A.; Atwater, H.A.; Murray, R.M.; Goodwin, D.G.; Raja, L.R.; Kee, R.J.; Musolf, J. A Stagnation-flow MOVCD Reactor for Intelligent Deposition of YBCO Thin Films. Presented to The Electrochemical Society, May 2000.
Key terms: In situ gas analysis; Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD); Thin films

Varga, F.; Nemes, L. Emission spectroscopic studies of CO2-laser induced graphite plasmas. Journal of Molecular Structure, 480-481 (1999), 273-276.  
Key terms: Plasma; Graphite; Emission; CO2 laser; Diatomic

Aguirre, E.L. Hale-Bopp: The Great Comet of 1997. Sky and Telescope, Vol. 94, No. 1, July 1997.
Key terms: Comet Hale-Bopp; Emission lines; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Robinson, M.K. Spectrometer Makes Astronomical Debut. Photonics Spectra, Vol. 31, Issue 10, Oct. 1997.
Key terms: S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer; Comet Hale-Bopp; Meade LX-200 telescope

Author unknown. Comet Hale-Bopp Spectra Obtained by Urban Amateur Astronomers. Excerpted from NASA's Comet Hale-Bopp Web site (, 1998.
Key terms: Comet Hale-Bopp; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Appell, D. Lasing threads code fabrics. Laser Focus World, Jan. 1998.
Key terms: Spectra Science Corp.; Threads; Photonic thread; Laundry textiles; Isotropic laser; Fiber-coupled spectrometer

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces. LED Traffic Signal Measurement, excerpted from department Web site.
Key terms: LEDs; LED measurement; Traffic lights; CHEM2000 Spectrophotometer; Emission; Reflectance

Drollette, D. Spectrometer Makes Filmmakers See Red. Photonics Spectra, Dec. 1999.
Key terms: Fluorescent lights; Color temperature; Light measurement; Motion picture lighting; S20n00 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer; Eastman Kodak

Womble, M.E.; Clarke, R.H.; Londhe, S.; Olafsson, J.P. Low-resolution Raman Method Offers Low Cost and Portability. Laser Focus World, April 1999, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 131-136.
Key terms: Low-resolution Raman; Low cost; Portability

Merrick, A. Underwater Spectrometer Sheds Light on Ocean Floor. R&D Magazine, Feb. 1999, Vol. 41, No. 2.
Key terms: Fluorescence; Reflectance, Marine environment; Corals; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Mazel, C.H. Diver-Operated Instrument for In Situ Measurement of Spectral Fluorescence and Reflectance of Benthic Marine Organisms and Substrates. Optical Engineering, 1997, Vol. 36, No. 9, pp. 2612-2617.  
Key terms: Remote sensing; Fluorescence; Reflectance; Benthic marine organisms; S1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer; Spectrofluorometer

Mazel, C. Benthic SpectroFluorometer. Excerpted from Web site of the researcher (, 1997.
Key terms: Benthic SpectroFluorometer (BSF); Corals; Downwelling; Benthic marine organisms

No byline given. Instrument Allows Measurement Of Underwater Fluorescence. Sea Technology, June 1996.
Key terms: Fluorescence; Ultraviolet light; Marine organisms; Corals; Benthic spectrofluorometer

Troy, C.T. Wrist Spectrofluorometer Probes the Depths. Photonics Spectra, Apr. 1996.
Key terms: Spectrofluorometer; Marine organisms; S1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Jenkins, A.L.; Uy, O.M.; Murray, G.M. Polymer Based Lanthanide Luminescent Sensors for the Detection of Nerve Agents. Analytical Communications, Aug.1997, Vol. 34, pp. 221-234.
Key terms: Luminescence spectrum; Sarin; Soman; Nerve agents, detection of; Lanthanide; S1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Allen, C.B.; Schneider, B.K.; White, C.J. Limitations to oxygen diffusion in invitro cell exposure systems in hyperoxia and hypoxia. American Journal of Physiology Lung Cell Molecular Physiology, 281: L1021-L1027, 2001.
Key terms: Oxygen diffusion; In vitro cells; Permeability; Polystyrene; FOXY Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensor

Wang, W.; Reimers, C.E.; Wainright, S.C.; Shahriari, M.R.; Morris, M.J. Applying Fiber-Optic Sensors for Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen. Sea Technology, March 1999, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 69-74.
Key terms: Optrodes; Oxygen sensors; Sol gels; Ruthenium; Fluorescence; FOXY Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensors

Krihak, M.; Shahriari, M.R. A Highly Sensitive, All Solid State Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensor Based on the Sol-gel Coating Technique. Electronics Letters, 1996, Vol. 32, No. 3.
Key terms: Sol gels; Fluorescence; Oxygen sensors

Kossakovski, D.; Beauchamp, J.L. Topographical and Chemical Microanalysis of Surfaces with a Scanning Probe Microscope and Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, Oct. 1, 2001, Vol. 72, No. 19, pp. 4731-4737.
Key terms: Plasma; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer; Particle analysis; Topographical microanalysis; Chemical microanalysis; Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

Braun, D.; Vanasupa, L. Excerpted from POLYmer Electronics Project site (, 1999. 
Key terms: Photoluminescence, Electroluminescence and Polymer Processing Using Semiconducting Polymers; CHEM200 Educational Grant Program

Keranen, M.; Aro, E-M.; Tyystjarvi. Excitation-emission map as a tool in studies of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes, Photosynthetica 37 (2): 225-237, 1999.
Key terms: CP43 chlorophyll a binding protein; D1 protein mutant; 77 K fluorescence emission; Photosynthetic pigment-proteins; Tobacco thylakoids

Colby, S.M.; Kearton, R.S. Use of a PC plug-in UV-Vis spectrometer to monitor the plasma conditions in GC-CRIMS. Poster session, PITTCON '98.
Key terms: Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry; Gas chromatograph; Plasma analysis of isotopes

Bass, A.; Chevalier, C.; Blades, M.W. A capacitively coupled microplasma (CCµP) formed in a channel in a quartz wafer, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2001, 16 (Advanced Article). 
Key terms: Optical emission; He plasma; Microplasma

Boonyawan, D.; Davydov, S.; Yotsombat, B.; Chirapatpimol, N.; Vilaithong, T. Plasma emission in vacuum arc and rf-discharge plasma sources, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 73, Number 2, February 2002.
Key terms: Optical emission; Plasma emission of copper vacuum arc; Carbon films

Clarke, R.H.; Londe, S.; Womble, M.E. Low Resolution Raman Spectroscopy As An Analytical Tool for Organic Liquids. Spectroscopy, Oct. 1998, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 28-35.
Key terms: Organic liquids; Raman spectroscopy; near-IR; Ethanol; Propanol; Toulene; n-hexane; gasolines

Wang, C.C.; Li, C.I.; Lin, Y.H.; Chau, L.K. Detection of Riboflavin Based on Fluorescent Enhancement of Evanescent-Wave Excited ß-Cyclodextrin Complex in Sol-Gel-Derived Porous Coatings. Applied Spectroscopy, January 2000, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 15-19.
Key terms: Fiber optics; Evanescent wave; Riboflavin; Sol-gel; ß-Cyclodextrin 

Bi, M.; Ruiz, A.M., Smith, B.; Winefordner, J.D. Study of Solution Calibration of NIST Soil and Glass Samples by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry. Applied Spectroscopy, May 2000.
Key terms: Plasma mass spectrometry; Glass; Soil; Laser ablation

Boughman, J.W. Divergent sexual selection enhances reproductive isolation in sticklebacks. Nature, Vol. 411, June 2001, pp. 944-948
Key tems: Sexual selection; Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus spp.); Spectral radiance; Ambient light

Authors unknown. Excerpted from Williams College web site (, "The Solar Exclipses of 1999," 1999.
Key terms: Innovations In Educational Spectroscopy Grant Program; Spectroscopic Evaluation of Extremely Narrow-Band Filters for Solar Eclipse Use

Wanilairat, S.; Vilaithong, T.; Rhodes, M.; Hoffmann, W. High Resolution Emission Spectra of CaF2: Tm. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 307-310, 2000. 
Key terms: CaF2:Tm (TLD-300) emission spectra; Thermoluminescence; Thermoluminescence chips; Dosimetry

Rhodes, M.W.; Wanwilairat, S.; Vilaithong, T.; Hoffmann, W. Low cost high resolution thermoluminescence spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 71, No. 5, 2000.
Key terms: TLD300 materials; Thermoluminescence dosimetry spectroscopy

Freitag, L.; Korupp, A.; Itzigehl, I.; Dankwart, F.; Tekolf, E.; Reichle, G.; Kullman, H.J.; Macha, H.N. Erfarungen mit Fluoreszenzdiagnostic und photodynamischer Therapie im multimodalen Therapiekonzept des operierten, rezidivierenden Bronchialkarzinoms (German-language title). Pneumologie, 1996, Vol. 50, pp. 693-699.
Key terms: Endoscopy; Tissue autofluorescence; Bronchial cancer; PC1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer
Notes: This is a German-language paper.

Premasiri, W.R.; Clarke, R.H.; Womble, W.E. Urine Analysis by Laser Raman Spectroscopy. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine.
Key terms: Urine analysis; Laser Raman spectroscopy

Sources: Conference Proceedings

Christensen, S.D.; Ong, K.K.; Premasiri, W.R.; Womble, M.E.; Clarke, R.H.; Verlev, O.; Tessier, P. Detection and Identification of Chemical Agents in Water Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. 22nd Army Science Conference, Dec. 2000.
Key terms: Chemical agents; Water; Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)

Shahriari, M.R.; Murtaugh, M.T.; Kwon, H.C. Ormosil Thin Films for Chemical Sensing Platforms. Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors IX, 1997, Vol. 3105, pp. 40-51.
Key terms: Fiber sensors; Chemical sensing; Ormosil

Thomas, G.; Petrie, C.; Loeppke, N.; Bauerly, M.; Mills, R.; Rick, M.; Wyatt, B.; Reagan, R.; Cabrol, N.; Dow, S.; Fischer, S.; McClarigan, S.; Steele, J.; Wagner, J. Project MARVIN: Mars Advanced Robotic Visualization Initiative. Proceedings of the 1999 Iowa Space Grant Consortium Conference; presented as poster.
Key terms: GROK Lab; Project Marvin; Chlorophyll analysis; Mars exploration; NASA Ames Research Center
Notes: This paper is available in .pdf format at Select Publications, then scroll down to Conference Proceedings and select "Project MARVIN: Mars Advanced Robotic Visualization Initiative."

D'Sa, E.J.; Lohrenz, S.E.; Asper, V.L.; Walters, R.A.; Morris, M.J.; Rathbun, C. A Multi-Sensor In Situ Fiber Optic Fluorometer. Ocean Optics XII, 1994, SPIE, Vol. 2258.
Key terms: Fluorescence; Chlorophyll fluorescence; Photomultiplier tube; In situ; Fluorometer

Mueller, R.E. Real Time Monitoring of Laser Weld Plume Temperature and Species Concentration. Proceedings of 15th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, ICACLEO, 1996.
Key terms: Laser welding; Plume temperature; Laser weld monitoring; PC1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Womble, M.E.; Clarke, R.H.; Premasiri, W.R. Applications of Low-resolution Raman Spectroscopy. SPIE Environmental and Industrial Sensor Symposium, Sept., 1999.
Key terms: Low-resolution Raman spectroscopy 

Krihak, M.; Murtaugh, M.T.; Shahriari. M.R. Fiber Optic Sensors Based on the Sol-gel Coating Technique. Chemical, Biochemical and Environmental Fiber Sensors VIII, 1996, Vol. 2836, pp. 87-98.
Key terms: Fiber optic; Oxygen sensors; Sol gel

Kirkpatrick, G.J.; Kamykowski, D.; Reed, R.E. Phytoplankton Quantum Yield Measured on Minute Time Scales In Situ. Ocean Optics XIII, 1997, SPIE Vol. 2963, pp. 868-873
Key terms: In situ quantum yield; Attenuation spectra; Phytoplankton; Downwelling irradiance spectra

Chevalier, E.; Maquin, P. An innovative integrated plasma tool for process and exhaust monitoring. SPIE Conference on Microelectronic Manufacturing, 1999, SPIE Vol. 3884.
Key terms: Gas analysis; Plasma technology; Plasma analysis; Process control; On-line monitoring; Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES); Semiconductor processing

Staples, J.; Schenkel, T. High-Efficiency Matching Network for RF-Driven Ion Sources. Presented at Particle Accelerator Conference, 2001.
Key terms: Plasma generator; RF ion sources; Plasma monitoring; Faraday Cup Current

Battiste, D.R.; Knudsen, R.D.; Kreischer, B.E.; McDaniel, M.P.; Martin, J.L.; Benham, E.A.; Womble, M.E.; Deschaines, T. On-line Raman Analysis of Ethylene and Hexene in the Chevron Phillips 1-Hexene and Polyethylene Processes. Gulf Coast Conference, Sept., 2000.
Key terms: On-line; Raman; Ethylene; Hexene; Polyethylene; Processes

Baum, M.M. Evaluation of IR and UV Based Technologies for the Optical Sensing of Molecules in Process Exhausts. ISA Conference on Optical Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring, Nov. 1996.
Key terms: Optical sensing; Process exhausts analysis; UV Differential Optical Absorption (UVDOAS); Non-Dispersive IR (NDIR) spectroscopy

Law, D.B.; Carapezza, E.M.; Csandi, C.J.; Edwards, G.D.; Hintz, T.M.; Tong, R.M. Multi-Spectral Signature Analysis Measurements of Selected Sniper Rifles and Small Arms. SPIE, 1997, Vol. 2938, pp. 288-298.
Key terms: Muzzle flash; Spectral radiance; Radiance; Spectroradiometer; Sniper rifle muzzle flash analysis; Small arms; Muzzle breaks; PC1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Christensen, S.D.; Ong, K.K.; Premasiri, W.R.; Womble, M.E.; Clarke, R.H. Detection and Identification of Chemical Agents in Water Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) on Gold and Silver Doped Sol-gels. First Joint Conference on Point Detection for Chemical and Biological Defense, Oct., 2000.
Key terms: Chemical agents; Water; Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS); Sol-gels

Premasiri, W.R.; Womble, W.E.; Clarke, R.H. SERS Sensor for In-situ Determination and Identification of Chemical Agents in Water by Low Resolution Raman Spectroscopy Using Solid-state Sol-gel Substrate. Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies 2000 Meeting, Sept. 2000.
Key terms: SERS sensor; Chemical agents; Low-resolution Raman spectroscopy; Solid-state sol-gel substrate

Zeng, H.; MacAulay, C.; McLean, D.I.; Lui, H.; Palcic, B. Miniature Spectrometer and Multi-Spectral Imager as a Potential Diagnostic Aid in Dermatology. BIOS '95, 1995, SPIE Vol. 238, Paper No. 09.
Key terms: Tissue autofluorescence spectroscopy; Tissue reflectance spectroscopy; Tissue autofluorescence imaging; Skin imaging; Multi-spectral imaging; Optical diagnosis; Skin diseases; PC1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Baum, M.M. Characterizing and Analyzing Components of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions by UV Spectroscopy. World Car Conference, University of California at Riverside, 1997.
Key terms: Air Instruments and Measurements; Vehicle exhaust emissions analysis

Sources: Unpublished Materials

Blazquez, C.H.; Hedley, L.E. Densitometric Measurements of Aerial Color Infrared Photographs of Citrus Trees with a Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer. Manuscript prepared by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Services, circa 1996.
Key terms: Color infrared photography; Densitometric; Citrus trees; SD1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Nemes, L.; Mohai, M.; Donkó, Z.; Bertóti, I. Detection of CN radicals in DC nitrogren plasma used or deposition of CNx layers. Submitted for publication in Spectrochimica Acta Part A (1999)
Key terms: DC plasma; Emission spectra; CN radicals; CNx layers

Lien, D.J. Just What Good is a College Observatory? Presentation prepared by Vanguard Research, Inc., 1997. 
Key terms: Sun and atmospheric transmission; College observatory; Hydrogen emission spectra; S2000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Taczak, T.; Killinger, D. Technical Information Packet for Establishing a Vehicle Laser Radar Test Laboratory. Report prepared by The Vehicle Laser Radar Test Laboratory at the University of South Florida, Tampa, Fla., 1996.
Key terms: Vehicle laser radar calibration tests; HeNe reference laser; PS1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

Ligon, T. Customer correspondence re: Doppler Broadening Spectrometer Project, 1998.
Key terms: Doppler shift; Hydrogen Balmer series; Plasma

Young, G.J. Award-winning science-fair project on kinetic temperature changes in plasmas
Key terms: Paschen-type apparatus; Electrostatic fields; Plasmas, kinetic temperature changes in 

Donohue, D.L.; Earl, G.W.; Viste, A. Using the Ocean Optics R-2000 Raman Spectrometer in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Presented at the South Dakota Academy of Science, Moorhead, Minn., Apr. 28-29, 2000.
Key terms: Undergraduate laboratory; Raman Spectrometer

Murray, T.M. Use of a Low-Cost Silicon Diode-Array Spectroradiometer to Measure Solar UV-B. Manuscript prepared by Section of Plant Biology, University of California at Davis, circa 1996.
Key terms: Spectroradiometer; Radiation; Solar UV-B radiation; S1000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer



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