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Ocean Optics' OOIWinIP  Windows Interface Package is a low-cost Windows 16-/32-bit driver package that allows users to write their own real-time data acquisition and processing programs for Ocean Optics spectrometers, in any language that can directly call dynamic link libraries (DLLs). The powerful software driver package for Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT/2000 allows users to easily develop custom software solutions for Ocean Optics spectrometers.

OOIWinIP is available for only $399. 

OOIWinIP is primarily designed for 32-bit applications. New spectrometers or A/D converters (the S1024DW Deep Well Detector Spectrometer, for example) will not be supported in 16-bit format. We recommend that you port all existing 16-bit applications to 32-bit applications.

The OOIWinIP interface package includes a handful of sample programs -- programs written in MicrosoftÒ Excel, Visual BasicÒ , Visual C++Ò , DelphiÒ and others -- to demonstrate how users can write their own software.

In fact, the sample programs provide a primer on using OOIWinIP to call the driver within each particular language. A sample application, written entirely within Microsoft Excel, is shown here:

Ocean Optics already offers an extensive library of operating software and application programs for use with its spectrometers. OOIWinIP also provides a valuable tool for users who require custom software solutions for their data acquisition and processing needs.

For example, the OOIWinIP Microsoft Excel interface is useful for applications involving repetitive or time-series lab measurements for quality control, and can be used with software for laboratory information management systems.

OOIWinIP Windows Interface Package -- Frequently Asked Questions

When should users consider OOIWinIP?
Many Ocean Optics spectrometer users have very specific spectral processing needs -- requirements that can't be met in the basic operating software or available application programs. OOIWinIP allows users with minimal programming skills to write specific applications that perform all necessary data acquisition and processing tasks.

OOIWinIP is $399. What does the user get for the investment?
The package includes a 16-bit device driver for Windows 3.x and Windows 95/98/Me, a 32-bit device driver for Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT/200 and sample programs in Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic and others. 

What functions does OOIWinIP perform?
OOIWinIP allows for simple control of data acquisition, processing and triggering functions for Ocean Optics spectrometers. Specifically, the driver will acquire data from any combination of spectrometer channels; perform functions such as signal averaging and spectral smoothing; and provide corrections for electrical dark noise, detector linearity and stray light.

What programming environments does OOIWinIP support?
OOIWinIP supports any programming environment that can directly call a DLL. Typical programming environments include C/C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, all Microsoft Office Applications (all versions), Delphi, C++Builder, Power Builder, LabWindowsÒ /CVI, FORTRAN and Power Station.

What programming environment is most appropriate for users with limited programming experience?
For novice programmers, a good place to become familiar with the tasks involved is the Microsoft Excel sample program. Excel is already well-known to many users, and the programming environment that is required to use the sample program -- Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications -- is relatively simple to master. Ultimately, however, the selection will be driven by the application. For example, is the speed of development more important than the speed of the final application? Are elaborate Windows controls necessary? Will the user rely on existing code to produce the necessary DLLs? OOIWinIP offers many options.

What A/D converters will support OOIWinIP?
OOIWinIP includes drivers for the ADC1000 ISA-bus A/D converter (for desktop interface), the ADC1000-USB universal serial bus A/D converter, the ADC2000-PCI PCI-bus A/D converter, the ADC2000-PCI PCI-bus A/D converter and National Instruments' DAQCard-700 PCMCIA card (for notebook-PC interface). In addition, OOIWinIP will have drivers for all future Ocean Optics A/D converters. Any new A/D converters will be supported in the 32-bit environment only.

The Ocean Optics product line is constantly expanding. How will OOIWinIP users be affected by the introduction of the next generation of Ocean Optics spectrometers?
If users are concerned about having to rewrite code or alter their programs to support new spectrometers, their concerns are unfounded. OOIWinIP provides a device-independent interface to spectrometer functions -- i.e., the driver performs the same whether the device it interfaces to is an S2000-series miniature fiber optic spectrometer or a future Ocean Optics spectrometer.

User's Tip: OOIWinIP drivers enable two methods of data acquisition. Choosing between these two modes often depends on the choice of development environments. The SingleScan – Continuous Scan mode uses Windows messaging functions, which allow the application to perform processing routines while the spectral data is collected. The DoScan acquisition mode is a simpler acquisition mode that requires Windows messaging. However, in DoScan, the application cannot perform processing routines while a spectrum is acquired.



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