From: (Christopher E.Giese)
>Here is one charge pump circuit. It works best if the square-wave
>oscillator has a low output impedance, and if Schottky diodes are

>                               VCC
>                                O
>                                |
>                               _|_
>                               \ /
>                              __V__)
>                      |  | + (  |       /
>      VCC             |  |      |   |\ |
>       O         .----+  +------+---| >|------+--------->  2 * VCC
>       |         |    |  |          |/ |      |
>       |         |    |  | +           /    + | +
> ______|_____    |                         ___|___
>|            |   |                         _______
>| square-    |   |                            |
>| wave       +---+                         ___|___
>| oscillator |   |                          _____
>|            |   |                           ___
>|____________|   | + |  |             /       .
>        |        |   |  |            | /|
>        |        '---+  +-----+------|< |------+---------> -2 * VCC
>        |            |  |     |      | \|      |
>     ___|___       + |  |     |      /         |
>      _____                  _|_            ___|___
>       ___                   \ /            _______
>        .                   __V__)           + | +
>                           (  |             ___|___
>                              |              _____
>                           ___|___            ___
>                            _____              .
>                             ___
>                              .
>(I love ASCII art!) More capacitor-diode stages can be added to get
>higher output voltages. I don't know how efficient it is.

>Hope this helps.

Actually, I think the -2 * VCC is -1 * VCC, unless the oscillator
output swings below ground.



Date: 23 Aug 1996 19:03:22 -0400

Original Subject: Re: Help my rusty math please

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