

up down

Article Reference: CFDC9D65A310CF47

impedance matcher

Date: 17 Mar 1996 21:00:25 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Impedance matching

Workshop (workshop@pcm.co.za) wrote:
> Hi there 
> This is to all those who know anything about impedance matching!
> I have a circuit using a ne602 ic.The input impedance is is quoted 
> as bieng 1.5k.I have a Phillips application note (AN1993) 
> that uses this ic.The input to the mixer of the ic is from a 50 ohm source.
> The 50 ohm source has been matched to the ic by the following circuit.

>                    To pin 1 of
>                       |  mixer
>                       |
>                 |-----------
>                 |          |
>                 |          |
>                === 47p     |
>                ===         ()
>                 |          ()0.28uH
>   To 50 ohm ____|          ()  To pin 2 of mixer
>    source      ===         ()         |
>                === 220p    |          |  
>                 |          |          | 
>                 |          |          |
>                 ------------          |
>                       |_______________|
>                       |
>                      ===100nF
>                      ===
>                       |
>                      GND
> Can anyone out there tell me how these values are calculated.The frequency of interest 
> is 45Mhz

I believe the mixer has a differential input.  The 100nF cap just shorts pin 2 of 
the mixer to ground so that the input is single-ended.  You can take that cap
out of the picture.

There are formulas for calculating the values of the rest components, based on the 
assumption that the bandwidth of the matching network B < fo/10, where fo = center freq
of the circuit.

                     |------------------- Rt (>R2)
                     |          |
                     |          |
                    === C1      |
                    ===         () L
                     |          ()
        R2       ____|          ()  
                    ===         () 
                    === C2      | 
                     |          |
                     |          |

1. Calculate:

	Qt = fo/B        
	C = 1/(2*pi*B*Rt)
	L = 1/((2*pi*fo)^2*C)
	N^2 = Rt/R2

2. Calculate:

	Qp = sqrt(Qt^2/N^2 - 1)

3. C1 and C2 are given by:

	C2 = Qp/(2*pi*fo*R2)

	Cse = C2*(Qp^2+1)/Qp^2

	C1 = Cse*C/(Cse - C)

-T L

up down

Article Reference: 2CF239E51B71E72E

low power transmitter

Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 16:19:10 -0700

Original Subject: Re: Q: 2.5(mH?) RFC in 50MHz xtal osc.

Joshua Andrews wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I hope that this schematic can make my question easier to understand.
> This type drawing is something I've never tried.
>  Here's the deal, this should be a VERY low power RF Xmitter for a
> cheap-walkie talkie, fox hunt. My problem is I can't believe that a
> 2.5mH choke is the correct value. If I used a solenoid coil it would
> be HUGE, isn't it more like 2.5uH?
>  Thanks,
>  Joshua
>                           ANT.
>                           \I/             2.5(mH?) RFC
>     _______________________|___________________CCCC_______
>   _|_                      |                             |
>   XXXtal-49.860MHz         |________                     |
>  _ |_                      |      _|_  ~90p V-Cap.       |
> |   |_____________________|/      ^|^                    |
> |   |                     |\       |_____________________|
> |   |          2N2222       \e     |             |       |
> |   /                       |      |             |       |
> |   \ R-10K       __________|     _|_        +___|___    /
> |   /            |          |     ^|^.001uF     ===      \
> |   \           _|_         |      |          _______    /  R-47K
> |   |           ^|^ .001uF  /      |          - ===      \
> |   |            |          \470R  |       9V    |       |
> |   |            |          /      |             |       |
> |   |            |          \      |             |       |
> |   |            |          |      |             |       |
> |   |____________|__________|______|_____________|       |
> |________________________________________________________|

 Hi all,
I'm sure my first try made everything clear but just in case...

up down

Article Reference: EC960653266F3E34

Lunchbox transmitter

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 96 18:55:50 GMT

Original Subject: Transmitter Question (Involves Transistor Antenna) - lunch.txt [01/01]

    MEMBER NAME: LUNCHBOX                                 *

  <%>                                                                     <%>
  <%>                             Making the                              <%>
  <%>                                                                     <%>
  <%>                              Lunch Box                              <%>
  <%>                              ===== ===                              <%>
  <%>                                                                     <%>
  <%>              Written, Typed and Created by: Dr. D-Code              <%>
  <%>                                                                     <%>


  The Lunch Box is a VERY simple transmitter which can be handy for all sorts of
  things. It is quite small and can easily be put in a number of places. I have
  successfully used it for tapping fones, getting inside info, blackmail and
  other such things. The possibilities are endless. I will also include the
  plans for an equally small receiver for your newly made toy. Use it for just
  about anything. You can also make the transmitter and receiver together in
  one box and use it as a walkie talkie.

  Materials you will need

  (1) 9 volt battery with battery clip
  (1) 25-mfd, 15 volt electrolytic capacitor
  (2) .0047 mfd capacitors
  (1) .022 mfd capacitor
  (1) 51 pf capacitor
  (1) 365 pf variable capacitor
  (1) Transistor antenna coil
  (1) 2N366 transistor
  (1) 2N464 transistor
  (1) 100k resistor
  (1) 5.6k resistor
  (1) 10k resistor
  (1) 2meg potentiometer with SPST switch
  Some good wire, solder, soldering iron, board to put it on, box (optional)

  Schematic for The Lunch Box

  This may get a tad confusing but just print it out and pay attention.

          51 pf
         ---+----  ------------base   collector
        !        )(               2N366       +----+------/\/\/----GND
      365 pf     ()              emitter           !
        !        )(                 !              !
        +--------  ---+----         !              !
        !             !    !        !              !
       GND            /  .022mfd    !              !
                   10k\    !        !              !
                      /   GND       +------------------------emitter
                      !             !              !             2N464
                      /           .0047            !          base   collector
                2meg  \----+        !              !   +--------+       !
                      /    !       GND             !   !                !
                          GND                      !   !                !
          +-------------+.0047+--------------------+   !                !
                                                       !   +--25mfd-----+
              -----------------------------------------+   !            !
         microphone                                        +--/\/\/-----+
              ---------------------------------------------+   100k     !
                          switch                  Battery
                      from 2meg pot.

  Notes about the schematic

  1.  GND means ground
  2.  The GND near the switch and the GND by the 2meg potentiometer should be
  3.  Where you see:  )(
                      )( it is the transistor antenna coil with 15 turns of
                         regular hook-up wire around it.
  4.  The middle of the loop on the left side (the left of "()") you should run
      a wire down to the "+" which has nothing attached to it. There is a .0047
      capacitor on the correct piece of wire.
  5.  For the microphone use a magnetic earphone (1k to 2k).
  6.  Where you see "[!]" is the antenna. Use about 8 feet of wire to broadcast
      approx 300ft. Part 15 of the FCC rules and regulation says you can't
      broadcast over 300 feet without a license. (Hahaha). Use more wire for an
      antenna for longer distances. (Attach it to the black wire on the fone
      line for about a 250 foot antenna!)

  Operation of the Lunch Box

  This transmitter will send the signals over the AM radio band. You use the
  variable capacitor to adjust what freq. you want to use. Find a good unused
  freq. down at the lower end of the scale and you're set. Use the 2 meg pot. to
  adjust gain. Just fuck with it until you get what sounds good. The switch on
  the 2meg is for turning the Lunch Box on and off. When everything is adjusted,
  turn on an AM radio adjust it to where you think the signal is. Have a friend
  say some shit thru the Box and tune in to it. That's all there is to it. The
  plans for a simple receiver are shown below:

  The Lunch Box receiver

  (1) 9 volt battery with battery clip
  (1) 365 pf variable capacitor
  (1) 51 pf capacitor
  (1) 1N38B diode
  (1) Transistor antenna coil
  (1) 2N366 transistor
  (1) SPST toggle switch
  (1) 1k to 2k magnetic earphone

  Schematic for receiver

          51 pf
       !         !
       )       365 pf
       (----+    !
       )    !    !
            +---*>!----base  collector-----
               diode      2N366           earphone
                          emitter    +-----
                            !        !
                           GND       !
                                     - battery

  Closing statement

  This two devices can be built for under a total of $10.00. Not too bad. Using
  these devices in illegal ways is your option. If you get caught, I accept NO
  responsibility for your actions. This can be a lot of fun if used correctly.
  Hook it up to the red wire (I think) on the fone line and it will send the
  conversation over the air waves. If you have any problems or are confused,
  leave me mail on:Hi-Times=702/832/7469  Warez House=702/827/9273


   Sysops of other systems may use the file as long as none of it is altered.
   This has been a High Mountain Hackers Production- (c) 1985 by HMH Industries

up down

Article Reference: 1EDC44E780AB3341

mixer analysis

Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 21:03:54 -0600

Original Subject: Re: Impedance matching

Workshop wrote:
>                    To pin 1 of
>                       |  mixer
>                       |
>                 |-----------
>                 |          |
>                 |          |
>                === 47p     |
>                ===         ()
>                 |          ()0.28uH
>   To 50 ohm ____|          ()  To pin 2 of mixer
>    source      ===         ()         |
>                === 220p    |          |
>                 |          |          |
>                 |          |          |
>                 ------------          |
>                       |_______________|
>                       |
>                      ===100nF
>                      ===
>                       |
>                      GND
> Can anyone out there tell me how these values are calculated.The frequency of interest
> is 45Mhz

As long as the loaded Q is reasonable (say at least 10) then the circuit 
behaves as a transformer at its resonance. The 100nF to ground is merely 
an AC short to ground so that the DC at pin 1 isn't shorted to ground 
through the inductor. It does not play a role in the transformer action.

Again, the following is only true at or near resonace. First, the 
transformer voltage ratio is approximately

	n = ( 47 / (47 + 220) )  ==> 0.176

Thus the impedance ratio is n**2 ==> 0.031.

So, the 1.5K at pin 1 will be transformed down to 1500*0.031 = 46ohms. 
That is close enough to 50 ohms for all practical purposes.

Recall that I said earlier that the circuit must be resonant. The 
inductor is chosen to resonate the series capacitor network. 47pF in 
series with 220pF is 38.7pF. The resonant frequency of 38.7pF and 280nH 
is about 49MHz -- close enough again for practical purposes. There is 
also usually a few pF of stray capacitance an pin 1 which will lower the 
resonance some. Normally it would be included in the calculation.

As a check, the loaded Q is calculated to be about 17 so the initial 
assumption of Q>10 holds and the approximations are valid. 

That's all there is to it!

up down

Article Reference: 3EB614C160C3825E

simple FM transmitter

Date: 26 Oct 1996 21:54:00 +0100

Original Subject: Re: How to build a radio transmitter

On 26 Oct 96 (12:15), t96uro@student.hk-r.se wrote:
> Is there any one who knows how build a radio
> transmitter for 70-110 MHz FM?

Yes, me. It's very simple, when you are willing to use a xtal. Modulation can  
be done via two BB405B's or similar devices.

            | | R1
             |        | |
  +----------+--------| |------------->>
  |          |        | |
 XTAL        |
  |       |--+        C1
  +-------|    T1
  |       |--+
 +-+         |
 | | R2      |
 +-+         |
  |          |
 _|_        _|_
 GND        GND

R1 = 470R...2k2 (depending on VCC)
R2 = 1M0
C1 = 4.7pF...68pF
T1 = either BF256A, BF256B or BF245A (other n-channel jfets may be used as  

Stephan A. Maciej, stephanm@muc.de, "http://www.muc.de/~stephanm/"

up down

Article Reference: B6783EC6C873F459

telephone partyline blocker

Date: 23 Feb 1996 02:59:39 -0500

Original Subject: Re: Telephone blocking circuit?

 From: jlundgre@delta1.deltanet.com (John Lundgren)

 > The way the SCR and zener works is that the first phone that goes
 > off-hook gets the full 48 volts DC which makes the 21 V zener conduct
 > and fires the SCR for the rest of the time the phone is off hook.
 > Any other phone then can't get the 21V to fire the SCR, and they all
 > remain open.  Simple and effective.

 Some circuits add another zener in series with the SCR allowing an
 unprotected line to disconnect the protected lines when it is picked
 up, since the voltage will fall below 8.2 volts and turn off the
 SCR's. The other diode passes the negative ring voltage.

                     Anode     Cathode
     + <---+-------------  SCR ---------|<----------+------->
           |               Gate      8.5 volt       |
   To      |   12 volt      |          zener        |
  line     +------|<--------+                       |  To phone
           |                                        |

     - <---------------------------------------------------->


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Article Reference: A005BBC5FC4C020D

telephone to radio patch

Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 10:23 EST

Original Subject: Re: Phone Patch

In Article <4b35uo$egm@fountain.mindlink.net> "andrew_taylor@mindlink.bc.ca (Andrew Taylor)" says:
> Just wondering if anybody has made a phone Patch (with
> DTMF encode/decoder!)...If you can point me in the right
> direction Id appreciate it!...Im going to be using it 
> with VHF radio!.
> Andrew T.
> andrew_taylor@mindlink.bc.ca
This circuit was published in _73_ magazine ~10 years ago.  I've built 
lots of them.  Push-to-talk circuit as shown works with most 
handhelds, which key their transmitters when a dc path through the 
microphone is completed.  Base/mobile rigs use a separate push-to-talk 
              to radio earphone jack
                    ^  ^
                    |  |
                    |  /
           T1       |  \ R2 (optional)
      C1            |  /         _____
o-----||---)|       |  |       |(     |
           )| ______|__.______ |(     \ R1     | PTT
phone   1k )|(8 ohm |    8 ohm)|( 1k  /       ---
line       )|(______._________)|(     \<------o o---o to radio mike input
           )|                  |(     /               (use shielded wire.)
o----------)|                  |(_____|_____________o                                     
C1      1 uf 200 volt non-electrolytic.
R1      ~5k screwdriver-adjust pot to set microphone input level.
R2      resistance to equalize speaker and patch levels.
T1, T2  Audio-output transformer: Radio Shack part # 273-1330
        (center taps not used).
Frank     reid@indiana.edu    W9MKV

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Article Reference: E0BE023A604EE4BD

wireless bug

Date: 19 Jul 1996 17:06:49 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Electronic 'bugs', 'recievers', detectors

   For a simple wireless FM bug you could use this circuit.

                   /          100k 1/2 W
      ----------o/   o--------/\/\/\/\/\------+             _______
     |                     |   ________       |             \  |  /
     -                     |  /        \      |               \|/
    ---                  C  \/          \     |                | 6" or so
     -                      / \   _      \    |                |
    ---                    |    \| |      | B |                |      
     |     PNP transistor  |     | |------|---+                |
     |                     |   _/|_|      |   |                |
     |                      \  \|        /   --- 100 pf        |
     _                   E   \/         /    ---               |
   >|_) carbon mic           /\________/      |                |
     |  or other            |                 |                |
     |  analog input        |    L            |                |
                     |         _              |
                     |       ||/|             |   

                           10 -> 365 pf           
                            or fixed

 To make L: 
   |-36t #28 C.T.|
  _________________  _
 | ||||||||||||||| | |
 | ||||||||||||||| | 1/4" 
  -+------+------+-  -
   |      |      |

                                       good luck.

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Date: Sun Sep 9 20:31:06 2001