On 26 Oct 96 (12:15), t96uro@student.hk-r.se wrote:
> Is there any one who knows how build a radio
> transmitter for 70-110 MHz FM?

Yes, me. It's very simple, when you are willing to use a xtal. Modulation can  
be done via two BB405B's or similar devices.

            | | R1
             |        | |
  +----------+--------| |------------->>
  |          |        | |
 XTAL        |
  |       |--+        C1
  +-------|    T1
  |       |--+
 +-+         |
 | | R2      |
 +-+         |
  |          |
 _|_        _|_
 GND        GND

R1 = 470R...2k2 (depending on VCC)
R2 = 1M0
C1 = 4.7pF...68pF
T1 = either BF256A, BF256B or BF245A (other n-channel jfets may be used as  

Stephan A. Maciej, stephanm@muc.de, "http://www.muc.de/~stephanm/"

Date: 26 Oct 1996 21:54:00 +0100

Original Subject: Re: How to build a radio transmitter

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