Joshua Andrews wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I hope that this schematic can make my question easier to understand.
> This type drawing is something I've never tried.
>  Here's the deal, this should be a VERY low power RF Xmitter for a
> cheap-walkie talkie, fox hunt. My problem is I can't believe that a
> 2.5mH choke is the correct value. If I used a solenoid coil it would
> be HUGE, isn't it more like 2.5uH?
>  Thanks,
>  Joshua
>                           ANT.
>                           \I/             2.5(mH?) RFC
>     _______________________|___________________CCCC_______
>   _|_                      |                             |
>   XXXtal-49.860MHz         |________                     |
>  _ |_                      |      _|_  ~90p V-Cap.       |
> |   |_____________________|/      ^|^                    |
> |   |                     |\       |_____________________|
> |   |          2N2222       \e     |             |       |
> |   /                       |      |             |       |
> |   \ R-10K       __________|     _|_        +___|___    /
> |   /            |          |     ^|^.001uF     ===      \
> |   \           _|_         |      |          _______    /  R-47K
> |   |           ^|^ .001uF  /      |          - ===      \
> |   |            |          \470R  |       9V    |       |
> |   |            |          /      |             |       |
> |   |            |          \      |             |       |
> |   |            |          |      |             |       |
> |   |____________|__________|______|_____________|       |
> |________________________________________________________|

 Hi all,
I'm sure my first try made everything clear but just in case...

Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 16:19:10 -0700

Original Subject: Re: Q: 2.5(mH?) RFC in 50MHz xtal osc.

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