Jap's electronic projects

Low impedance microphone amplifier


The circuit is a microphone amplifier for use with low impedance (~200 ohm) microphones. It will work with stabilized voltages between 6-30VDC. If you don't build the impedance adapter part with T1, you get a micamp for higher impedance microphones. In this case, you should directly connect the signal to C7.

Schematic diagram


Layout of board

printed PCB


Name Value
R1 15k
R2 150k
R3 2k2
R4 820
R5 680
R6 10k
R7 10k
P1 1M
Name Value
C1 3k9
C2 100u
C3 22u
C4 4u7
C5 470u
C6 10u
C7 100n
Name Value
U1 TL081
D1 1N4148

comments on this page:

posted by tom on 2001-08-04 02:55
I have a WatsonLinc 752 induction microphone that clamps around a telephone transmission line. I have hooking that into a small 7 watt fm transmitter.

I need an amplifier for the microphone that runs off the same power supply as the transmitter: 12V 3Amp.

This is for a clandestine operation and discretion is expected.

I am willing to pay a reasonable price for something reliable. email me: tomdavis61@yahoo.com

posted by Mátyás Halmi on 2001-06-28 15:11
I will probe this micamp circuit!

posted by ricki on 2001-05-06 18:04
can u please design me a low power amplifier,near 9volts that will power a 300 watt speaker thanx

posted by cinar on 2001-03-05 20:33
veri good

posted by roy on 2000-01-13 13:20
yes another ? can you design ame a schematic of something that counts down like to zero and display a message at the end

posted by roy on 2000-01-13 12:52
is there a way to build a traffic light device to change the lights if so can you show me how to build one with a schematic. right now i'm in school for electronics i just want to know if it works like in the movies.
thanks roy

posted by Tim on 1999-11-04 06:15
Im a student at the southern alberta instute of tech., in electronics engineering. I have to build a final project, a working device of some kind. I would like to know if it is possible to use some of your circuits.
Also, if possible, are there any laser? what are your recommendatons? or

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