AAU projects

This page contains detailed informations about the project reports I have made during my education. First there is an abstract that states what the specific project report i all about. Beneath there is links for download of the full report in PDF (Portable Document Format), the frontpage in GIF, the hardware diagrams in PDF and so forth.
If you have comments or questions about this site or about the contents of this site fell free to drop me a mail.

Currently available project reports:


Report Title:



1. semester EDB i folkeskolen Danish
2. semester Retningsbestemmelse af Tågehorn Danish
3. semester Bat Detector Danish
4. semester ECG Monitor Danish
5. semester AIS- Receiver Danish
6. semester Balancing triangle Danish

As I, at the moment have only finished the first 5 semester, these are the only project reports available. When i finish the next semester the project report will be added. The next time a report will be added is persumed to be about may 2001.

1. Semester (EDB i folkeskolen):

Abstract (Danish):
I dette projekt med temaet "EDB i folkeskolen" er Nibe kommune valgt som eksempel. Her har man fire folkeskoler, hvis computere i stor udstrækning er forældede. Folkeskoleloven kræver, at der mindst stilles een tidssvarende computer til rådighed pr. 5-10 elever. Derfor står man nu over for en række investeringer på IT-området. Rapporten indledes med en anlyse, som giver et overblik over kommunens situation og mulige hard- og softwaremæssige løsninger. I rapporten beskrives, hvordan man kan forbinde skolerne og rådhuset i et eksternt netværk. Efter at have opstillet en model der kan beskrive behovet for datatransmission, gives der en vurdering af, hvilken kapacitet der kræves af forbindelserne mellem skolerne og rådhuset. Dernæst undersøges teknikken og økonomien på tre systemer, som kan levere den nødvendige kapacitet. Til sidst sammenholdes de indsamlede informationer og der gives en vurdering af hvilken forbindelse der vil være den mest fordelagtige.

1. Semester: EDB i folkeskolen
Frontpage (GIF): Full Report (PDF): Abstract (PDF): Diagrams (PDF):

2. Semester (Retningsbestemmelse af tågehorn):

Abstract (Danish):
Denne rapport omhandler retningsbestemmelse af tågehorn, og tager udgangspunkt i det initierende problem: Hvordan mindskes antallet af søulykker i tåget vejr? Her ud fra lægges der op til udviklingen af et billigt apparat til retningsbestemmelse af tågehorn. Rapporten indledes med en analyse, som giver et overblik over problemstillingen med at retningsbestemme et lydsignal fra et tågehorn. Der ses på emner som, ulykker til søs, menneskets hørelse, søvejsregler og den psykologiske indvirkning på uheld til søs. På baggrund af analysen opstilles en række krav til apparatet, og ud fra disse stilles løsningsforslag til dele af det. Der laves en simulering af apparatet i programmet MATLAB med henblik på at bestemme, hvordan elektronikken senere skal fungere. Enkelte dele af apparatet er endvidere simlueret i elektronik- simuleringsprogramet Electronics Workbench. Til slut laves en SWOT-analyse på produktet, som det ville se ud ved en fremtidig produktion. Konklusionen på rapporten er, at det er muligt at retningsbestemme et tågehornssignal, med et apparat som, i forhold til radaren, er simpelt.

2. Semester: Retningsbestemmelse af tågehorn
Frontpage (GIF): Full Report (PDF): Abstract (PDF): Diagrams (PDF):

3. Semester (Bat Detector):

This report describes the construction of a bat detector. The detector transforms bat sounds from the ultrasonic spectrum to the human audible spectrum, by dividing the frequency by ten. Initially, an analysis of the Danish bat species is made, to determine exactly what type of signals, the detector will have process. In order to choose a suitable microphone, a study of common types of microphones is made. Next a microphone preamplifier, based on three transistor stages, is designed to amplify the signal, before it is converted into a square wave, by a Schmitt trigger. The frequency is then divided by ten by a digital decade counter, of which a logic analysis is made. The square waves are then converted back into sinewaves by a passive R-C low pass filter. To preserve the general structure of the original signal, the divided signal is amplified by an amplifier, whose gain is controlled by the output of the preamplifier. To make the signal audible, a class AB power amplifier, is designed, to deliver a modest power to the built-in speaker. An analog volume control is implemented in connection with the power amplifier. To enable recording the sound, or connection of headphones, at different places in the circuit, a number of "line out" connections are made in the device. A complete device is constructed and tested, and the conclusion is, that it meets the requirements in a satisfactory way.

3. Semester: Bat Detector
Frontpage (GIF): Full Report (PDF): Abstract (PDF): Diagrams (PDF):

4. Semester (ECG Monitor):

Abstract: This report documents the design of an ECG monitor that is able to display up to eight persons ECG signals. Parts of the system are not able to process signals from more than one person, due to limits in the hardware. The system is based on a Motorola 68000 microprocessor, which uses the collected data to calculate the connected patients pulses. The calculated pulses are monitored, and if they exceed some predefined limits, an alarm is given. To warn the medical personnel, the alarm is both visual and audible. The report starts with the construction of an amplifier, which amplifies the signal from the patient to a level that the rest of the system is able to process. Next a unit to convert the amplified analog signals to digital signals is constructed. Moreover this unit has to give both a visual and audible alarm if the limits are exceeded. Part of the operating system and applications to calculate the pulse, is written for the microcomputer. These programs are written in assembler and in C. The user interface consists of a PC with an application, that displays the relevant information. The PC program is programmed to show the ECG signals from the patient, and to send pulse limits to the microprocessor. The PC program is written in C. The microcomputer is connected to the PC via a RS232C connection.

4. Semester: ECG Monitor
Frontpage (GIF): Full Report (PDF): Abstract (PDF): Diagrams (PDF):

5. Semester (AIS-Receiver):

This project documents the design and development of a systemthat uses special radiosignals, emitted by ships, for collision detection. From the year 2003 it becomes statutory for large ships to send out radiosignals regularly, that indicate the position, speed and several static and voyage related informations. This information is picked up by the system using a VHF radio. Furthermore the system obtains information about the position of own ship from a GPS receiver. All this informaiton is processed in order to determine if there is any risk of collisions. The static and voyage related information is stored, and on request they are displayed on a connected PC. The system consists of a 8051based microcontroller, that manages the communication between GPS, VHF and PC, through interfaces. The programme for the microcontrol-ler is written in the programming language C . The programme that has been written for PC, makes the calculations necessary to determine any risk of collisions. A graphical user interface has been implemented to present the information about the ships. The PC programme is written in the programming language JAVA.

5. Semester: AIS-Receiver
Frontpage (GIF): Full Report (PDF): Abstract (PDF): Diagrams (PDF):

6. Semester (Balancing triangle):

This report deals with balancing of an inverted triangle. The triangle is comprised of a chassis and DC-motor that enables the center of mass of the triangle to be displaced by moving two weights. The starting point of the report is a general description of the triangle and its sensors, whereafter the triangle and DC-motor is modelled. The model of the triangle is based on momentums around the center of rotation. After the model is constructed three diŁerent regulators are designed; one cascade, and two state space regulators. Test of the regulators shows that the triangle is able to balance. The conclusion states that, state space gives the best regulation of the inverted triangle.

6. Semester: Balancing triangle
Frontpage (JPG): Full Report (PDF): Abstract (PDF): Diagrams (PDF):