Pen-Ray Physical and Electrical Properties
Pen-Ray Lamps are low pressure, cold cathode UV lamps made of double bore quartz tubing. This design allows the electrodes to be positioned at one end of the lamp providing easy access into small apertures. Depending on the lamp characteristics, primarily the lighted length, the power requirement to the lamp can range from 2 to 20 watts and produce from 40 uW/cm2 to over 20 mW/cm2.
Major advantages of Pen-Ray
Lamps include:
Isolated spectral lines for calibration purposes
Slower solarization of the quartz tubing
Contamination free internal environment for superior quality and life of the lamp
Increased stability of the
emission for accuracy and reproducibility
Long life: 5,000-8,000+ hours depending on use
Miniature lamp size: As small as 1.85"(47mm) with a lighted length of approximately 0.04" ((1.02mm)
Cool burning
compared to higher pressure lamps
Variable energy output option based on current and components
UVP invented the Pen-Ray Lamp and can provide the most experience, history and knowledge in the industry. UVP advocates customer partnerships, from prototype to production. A dedicated Design and Applications Lab provides the tools required to design custom products and test specific application feasibility to provide the customer with market advantages.
Physical and Electrical Properties
When sending a Request for Literature, please be sure to include your name, telephone, company and address information along with specifics for products you are interested in. This will assist us in responding to your inquiry.
Last update: 6/16/00
Pen-Ray Lamps
Mercury Lamps
Rare Gas Lamps
Zinc/Cadmium Lamps
CP Series Calibration Lamps
PCQ Lamps
Microscope Lamps
Grid Lamps
Ozone Generators
Pen-Ray Field Packs
Pen-Ray Accessories
Power Supplies
Customizing a Lamp
Technical Information
Request Literature
About Pen-Ray Lamps Group
Light Source Home Page
Corporate Office:
UVP, Inc. 2066 W. 11th Street, Upland, CA USA, 91786 * Tel: (800) 452-6788 or (909) 946-3197, E-mail:;
European Sales Office: Ultra-Violet Products Ltd, Unit 1, Trinity Hall Estate, Nuffield Road, Cambridge, CB4 1TG UK
Tel: 44(0)1223-420022, E-mail:
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