Intensity Meters |
UVP manufactures meters to accurately measure the ultraviolet intensity of an ultraviolet light source. The meters monitor the maximum operating efficiency of the UV source. |
Note: SW - shortwave 254nm UV, MR - midrange 302nm UV, LW - longwave 365nm UV. |
Meters are calibrated with traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and UVP's published standards. In the UK or other European countries, traceability to the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is available. Recalibration of the meters is recommended every six months at the UVP factory. Calibration of meters or sensors is recommended every six months. Contact UVP's Calibration Department in the US at (800) 452-6788 or (909) 946-3197 or UK at +44(0) 1223-420022 for calibration prices and turn-around time. Normal turn-around time is approximately two weeks. |
Update: 4/01 |
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