Ultraviolet Lamps
UVP manufactures a large selection of Mineralight®, Blak-Ray® and Sterilaire® ultraviolet lamps to accommodate many appplications and budgets. Uses vary from rock, bacterial and mineral identification to sterilization. UVP has a lamp to fit your needs.
3UV |
225D Series UV |
UVGD-68 UV |
B100 Series |
XX Series |
R-52 Grid Lamp |
UV Lamps
Multiple-Ray |
Fraud Detection |
EL Series
UV Lamps
Portable/ |
Portable Lamps |
Compact and Handheld Lamps |
BL-15 Bench Lamp |
Small Hand Models |
Large Format and High Intensity Bench and Display Models |
Specialty UV Lamps |
Corporate Office: UVP, Inc. Upland, CA USA 91786 * Tel: (800) 452-6788 or (909) 946-3197 Fax:
(909) 946-3597 * E-Mail: uvp@uvp.com;
European Office: Ultra-Violet Products Ltd, Cambridge UK Tel: +44(0)1223-420022 * Fax: +44(0)1223-420561 * E-Mail: uvp@uvp.co.uk
© Copyright UVP, Inc 2001 * Specifications subject to change without notice. Page best viewed at 800x600 resolution or higher.