CURRICULUM MORPHING PROJECT COURSE 7, PRISMS GENERAL COMMENTS Several instructors in the field combine the presentation of this module on Prisms with a supplementary presentation of similar material found in vendor catalogs, namely the Optics Guide by Melles Griot and Edmund Industrial Optics by Edmund Scientific. The Melles Griot catalog contains some basic optics of prisms and covers right-angle glass and fused silica prisms, dove prisms, roof prisms, penta prisms, dispersing prisms and wedge prisms, including clear diagrams of the prism geometry, light rays through the prism, and varying available specifications for different prism choices. The Edmund Scientific catalog, in very similar fashion, covers glass, fused-silica and high index micro right angle prisms, amici roof prisms, penta prisms, corner-cube prisms, dove prisms, wedge prisms and dispersing prisms. A valuable feature of the Edmund Scientific listing of prisms and prism specifications is the accompanying color photographs of the prisms and the colored path and image rotation of light through the prism. Coverage of Module 6-7, as written, will be enhanced for the student learners if they are encouraged to consult the two catalogs, study the geometry and ray traces, and familarize themselves with the different prism materials and specifications available for special uses.