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DesignWorks Lite 04-22-98
Capilano Computing

DesignWorks Lite is a professional quality, single-sheet electronic circuit design environment. The intuitive interface makes the complete circuit layout process -- including integrated part, path, and bus referencing -- easy and straightforward. You can save, edit, print, and export the DesignWorks industry-compatible file format to any standard PCB design environment. You simply insert basic IC, digital, and analog elements from the library of common 74XX and discrete symbols provided. You can also define new parts and compile your own library using the built-in symbol editor. Powerful standout features include: Color coding, bussing, multilevel Undo/Redo, and automatic gate packaging. This freeware demo lacks documentation (help files and tech notes are reserved for the $495 retail version), but otherwise it's fully functional and deserves a close look.

System Requirements
Windows 95

Purchase Information

ZDNet Software Library

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4 stars

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Compressed Size
2,582,017 bytes

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