Digital Works 95 |
12-06-99 |
David John Barker
Digital Works 95 is a shareware graphical design program that lets you create digital logic circuits and analyze their behavior. Circuits can be created from simple gates and flip-flops. Tri-state logic can be used to construct systems with buses, plus there are mechanisms for detecting race conditions and bus contention. One of the program's best features is its ability to create macros. This means you can convert a circuit into a logic element, then use the new logic element as a building block in the construction of more complex circuits. The complex circuit can also be converted into a new logic element, and so on. With this feature, you can create a hierarchy of digital objects, with each new level hiding the complexity of its implementation. Examples of macros include counters, shift registers, and data registers -- you can even make integrated circuits. Digital Works 95 features an easy-to-use interface with toolbars, a template editor, and a logic history window. Several sample files are included. Reviewed on Nov 15 1999.
System Requirements
Windows 95 or Windows 98
Purchase Information
Shareware: Free to try, $62.40 if you decide to keep it.

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Compressed Size
1,679,872 bytes