CircSolver |
07-16-97 |
CircSolver is a 32-bit analog circuit analysis program for Win95/NT. It can analyze any arbitrary analog circuit by deriving Transfer Functions, generating Bode Plots, and plotting the response of circuits to any user-designed Input Signal. CircSolver can also plot the response of circuits with multiple sources, with different Input Signals applied to each source. Designs are relatively easy to create using a series of toolbars and menus to select components. An integrated circuit editor with a graphical multiple document interface, dockable toolbars, right-click menu, context-sensitive help, and advanced editing features is also part of this application. A built-in tutorial offers detailed explanations and several examples of how you can design your circuits. This version is a maintenance update that fixes minor problems, adds several improvements and offers a significant rewrite of the circuit analysis routines to improve the accuracy and reliability.
System Requirements
Windows 95
Purchase Information
Shareware: Free to try, $65 if you decide to keep it.

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Compressed Size
2,069,997 bytes