About the Evaluation Versions System Requirements ------------------- The system requirements for all evaluation versions are: -- IBM 80386 or 80486 based computer or compatible -- MS-DOS 3.0 or later (5.0 or later recommended) -- An 80x87 floating-point coprocessor, compatible with the system For the DOS Evaluation version -- at least 1 megabyte of extended memory (not expanded or LIM) For the Windows Evaluation version -- at least 4 megabytes of extended memory (not expanded or LIM) -- Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, installed and running in 386 enhanced mode Limitations ----------- DOS evaluation Circuit simulation is limited to circuits with up to 64 nodes, 10 transistors, two operational amplifiers, or 65 digital primitive devices, or a combination thereof; 10 ideal transmission lines with not more than 4 non-ideal lines (lossy lines using RLGC parameters) and 4 coupled lines; device characterization limited to diodes; stimulus generation limited to sine waves; sample library of 22 analog and 140 digital parts. Windows evaluation All of the same limitations as the DOS evaluation plus, schematic capture limited to one-page (A-size page) schematics, containing a maximum of 25 symbols, with a reduced symbol and package library set. How to Install the Evaluation Version From This BBS --------------------------------------------------- 1. Create a temporary directory on the hard drive. C:\>md temp 2. Download the evaluation version into the temporary directory that was just created. (60wine.exe or 60edose.exe) 3. Change to the temporary directory. C:\>cd temp C:\temp> 4. Type the name of the self-extracting file. C:\temp>60edose (for the DOS evaluation version) or C:\temp>60wine (for the Windows evaluation version) 5. To install the DOS evaluation version: C:\temp>install To install the Windows evaluation version, select File/Run from Windows Program Manager and type: C:\temp\setup